Faculty of Data Science


Faculty of Data Science Open Campus 2023

Faculty of Data Science

1. Date and time

Sunday, October 1, 2023 10: 00-12: 10 (Reception: 30-)
You don't need to apply in advance.

2. Venue

Faculty of Data Science

Shimonoseki City University Main Building (2-1-1, Shimonoseki-shi Daigakucho)
※Currently, parking lots are limited due to construction within the university, so please refrain from coming by car.

3. Schedule

Time I-206 classrooms I-201 Classroom I-207 Classroom
10:00~10:20 Description of Faculty    
10:25~10:55 Simulated Lecture 1 (Business) Simulated Lecture 3 (Information)  
10:55~11:25 Simulated Lecture 2 (Health) Individual consultation
11:30~11:50 Explanatory Meeting (Mathematics)  
11:50~12:10 Explanatory Meeting (Essays)  

Reference: Main Building I Building, 2F Floor Map

Faculty of Data Science

4 Program content

The Faculty of Data Science Department of Data Science was established in April 2024.
On October 1st (Sun), we will introduce the Faculty of Data Science.

Dean explanation (Professor Yoshiyuki Matsumoto / Dean Dean)

"What is data science?" "What you can learn at Shimonoseki City University Faculty of Data Science." At the same time, we will talk about the outline of the entrance examination (recruitment staff, scores of university common tests, etc.).

Simulated Lecture 1 (Business) (Mr. Yoshiyuki Matsumoto / Dean Dean)

One of the characteristics of our university Faculty of Data Science is "Business Data Science" in specialized applications. We will give lectures on business data science in an easy-to-understand manner, using SNS as an example. ※It's the same content as the open campus in August.

Simulated Lecture 2 (Health) (Mr. NAKAGAMI Yuki)

Another pillar of our university's Faculty of Data Science is "Health Data Science" in specialized applications. Based on the experience of Dr. Nakagami, who is conducting joint research with medical schools at other universities, lectures will be given on the relationship between data analysis and healthcare. ※It's the same content as the open campus in August.

Simulated Lecture 3 (Information) (Mr. Tatsuki Fukuda)

Analyzing and utilizing data requires basic knowledge of information and mathematics. Faculty of Data Science will acquire a wide range of knowledge about information and programming in one to two years later. We will give a lecture on "information" in Faculty of Data Science.

Explanatory Meeting (Mathematics) (Mr. Hiroki Kondo)

An individual academic test for middle-aged public universities is "mathematics."
I will explain how to ask questions.

Explanatory Meeting (Essay) (Mr. Takeyuki Yabuchi)

School selection type selection (recommended entrance examination) and individual scholastic ability test for the first half of the general selection are "Essays (Understanding charts)".
This section describes the points to be created using the essays in Faculty of Economics.

Individual consultation

We will respond individually to questions about Faculty of Data Science, such as the curriculum of the entire Faculty of Data Science, the introduction of teachers, the new school building, and employment. Please drop in as long as time permits.

5. Access

※Currently, parking lots are limited due to construction within the university, so please refrain from coming by car.

6. Faculty of Data Science Open Campus 2023 Flyer

Contact information

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
New Faculty Establishment Preparatory Office
TEL. 083-252-0288 (main) / FAX. 083-252-8099