☆Test reading service of the e-book Maruzen eBook Library is being implemented.☆
[What is Maruzen eBook Library?]
From April 2024, we purchased 300 Japanese books and 90 Western books! !
You can read purchased electronic books by accessing the following URL from the campus network (PC in the computer training room: OK) (Wi-Fi: OK).
※Click here for the access URL.
Also, if you want to access from outside the university, please log in to the My Portal of the library and use the "Maruzen eBook Library" link on the My Page.
[About the trial reading service]
Currently, we are implementing a "test reading service" that allows you to try reading all things, including those that have not been purchased! !
It's a rare opportunity, so please use it.☆
Period: From July 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024
Test reading conditions: ①Number of content that can be read → About 100,000 books
②Test reading time 1 Content 5 minutes
※For details, please refer to the flyer.