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Precautions for Use of Electronic Resources

Regarding the use of electronic resources such as e-journals and databases, the publisher that is the provider of the provider has established the terms of license. Generally, the following items are strictly prohibited by any provider:

  • A large amount of downloads in a short period of time beyond the scope of personal use, or download using programs, etc.
  • Use for personal academic research and education purposes.
  • Duplicating, modify, redistribute, resell, etc. of downloaded content.
  • To infringe copyright or other property rights.
  • ※Any act that violates the terms of use, such as excessive access or mass downloads, may result in penalties such as suspension of use or cancellation of contract may be imposed on the entire university. Thank you for your cooperation in the proper use of electronic journal and databases.
  • ※Due to the "link destination reading function" of the web browser, unintentionally causes mass download / large access. In the "link destination reading function", access to links in the page is repeated at the background while browsing the page. Therefore, in some cases, even if the person intends to use it normally, it is considered to be a large amount of access / large download. When using electronic resources, please pay attention to your browser settings.


  • Free … Databases and search sites that are open to the public, and you can access from anywhere.
  • Contracts … This is an electronic resource contracted by our university, which can be accessed from the campus network.

Check the collection of books

Search from the University Library

OPAC Free Searched by our Library Library

Search from libraries across the country

CiNii Books Free Search by Japanese university libraries
NDL ONLINE Free Search by the National Diet Library
Webcat Plus Free Book search service with associated search function
Search for Library Crossing Search Free Cross-Search Search for Public Library in Yamaguchi Prefecture
Car Lil Local Free Search for local materials
Asian Economic Research Institute Library Free Search for Collections of Asian Economic Research

Search for publication information

Publishing and bibliography databases Free Publishing industry's only public database of publication information
Google Books Free Search by the text and table of contents.
Government publications Free Sales of government publications and related books and magazines

Look for electronic books

LibrariE Contracts Digital Library of Japanese (ID/PW)
※Access is also available from outside the university.
※If you have forgotten your ID and password, please contact the library.
Maruzen ebook Library Contracts E-books of Japanese books
ProQuest Ebook Central Contracts Electronic books of foreign books

Search for electronic resources

※If you use the electronic resources contracted by our university, read the notes carefully before using.


Look for a paper

CiNii Research Free Searching for Japanese papers and data
IRDB (Academic Organization Reposit Database) Free A comprehensive platform for repositories published by universities and research institutes
Restoration (Yamaguchi Prefectural University Joint Repositories) Free Cross-Search Search for University Institutional Repositories in Yamaguchi Prefecture
The University's Book of City University is also available here.
J-GLOBAL Free Search for literature, patents, researchers, etc. from science and technology fields
Magazine article index database Free A database that allows you to search for articles mainly academic papers among domestic publications collected by the National Diet Library.
Google Scholar Free Google search centered on academic papers
Web of Science Contracts Overseas research paper search database provided by Clarivate
InCites Journal & Highly Cited Data Contracts Investigate the impact factor (influence) of the paper

Search for journal articles (electronic journal)

Nikkei BP article search service Contracts A service that allows you to search and browse back number articles from Nikkei BP magazine.
IEEE Xplore Contracts Full-text database of journals, minutes, industrial standards, etc. provided by the American Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Science Contracts Science and academic journal published by the American Society for the Promotion of Science Content on Demand Contracts This is a [Pay Per View] method contract that allows you to download a journal published on in one dissertation. The subject is Nature Book and Nature-related magazines. In 2024, I purchased a unit for 150 papers. Please be sure to check the following precautions before using.
E-journals Contracts Electronic journals contracted individually
※Click the URL of each magazine listed in the PDF to display the corresponding page.

Look for newspaper articles

Nikkei Telecon 21 Contracts Search and browsing of each newspaper published by Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc.

Search by All Fields

Japan Knowledge Lib Contracts Basic culture databases such as encyclopedias and dictionaries
Toyo Keizai Digital Content Library Contracts Includes corporate information and job hunting information

Government and Digital Archive

e-gov portal Free Information on administrative services and measures
e-stat government statistics office Free Government statistics portal site where you can view Japanese statistics
Trial Examples Free Candidates for court cases
EDINET Free Electronic disclosure system for disclosure documents such as securities reports
JAPAN SEARCH Free Searching for Digital Archive in Japan
National Diet Library Digital Collection Free Viewing digital materials collected at the National Diet Library
National Diet Library Internet Data Collection and Preservation Project (WARP) Free Collect and save past web information

Search all at once

Search in bulk

Discovery Service (planned) Contracts Search for electronic materials collected by libraries

Find out how to find it

Research navigator Free Information on how to investigate the National Diet Library
Reference Cooperative Database Free Refer to reference examples from libraries nationwide