Today's opening hours
Library calendar

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Library Information

Opening hours

Weekday 9:00 ~ 20:30
Weekdays (closed period) 9:00 ~ 17:00
Saturday and Sunday
9:30 ~ 17:00
Saturday and Sunday (closed period) 9:30 ~ 17:00
  • The holiday period is based on the university's grade calendar.
  • If the opening hours are changed temporarily, we will notify you on a notice or website.

Closed days

  • Date of organizing the building (1st of every month) ※If the first day is a Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, and if it is during the test period, the next weekday after the test is completed.
  • Holidays, New Year's holidays (December 28-January 3)
  • Dates related to university festivals and university entrance exams
  • For more information, please refer to the library calendar.
  • When the museum is closed temporarily, it will be announced on a notice or website.

Usage category

  • Our faculty and staff (including part-time lecturers and emeritus professors)
  • OIST students (including graduate students, subject course students, and special auditors)
  • Graduates of the University, retired faculty and staff
  • Users based on the Library of Shimonoseki City University Mutual Use Agreement, 5 Higher Education Institutions in Shimonoseki City
  • Users based on a cooperation agreement with Yamaguchi Prefectural Shimonoseki Secondary School
  • Public users (Shimonoseki citizens, etc.)
  • In addition, the person authorized by the library director
  • Please refer to the table below for details on the range of use for each usage category.

Floor map

Reading room

2nd floor

Reading room 2nd floor

3rd floor

3rd floor of reading room


2 layers (1st floor)

2 layers of archives (1st floor)

1 Layer (1st basement floor)

One layer of the library (1st basement floor)