Today's opening hours
Library calendar

For out-of-school students

Home For out-of-school students

Article 32 of the Shimonoseki City University Library of Shimonoseki City University Regulations
The university can open the library to Shimonoseki citizens, etc. for the purpose of academic research or research.

Those who can use

  • A person who has an address in Shimonoseki City
  • Person who has establishment in Shimonoseki-shi or person working at establishment in Shimonoseki-shi
  • In particular, those who have obtained permission from the director
  • If you are outside the city, you can only use the inside of the building on the day (only viewing and copying only).

Necessary items for user registration (those whose current address can be confirmed)

  • Driver's license
  • Insurance card
  • My number card
  • Passport
  • Junior high school students and high school students can use the student handbook.
  • Elementary school students and younger can use the hall (viewing and copying only) with their parents.

Available services

Viewing Viewing books, magazines, and audiovisual materials
Book lending Two books and two weeks
※Magazines, designated books, dictionaries, yearbooks, statistics, and white papers cannot be borrowed.
Copying Only the part specified by the copyright can be done. (10 yen per sheet)
Click here for more information.
Others Language AV room
※You can view audiovisual materials in the OIST collection.
  • Please refrain from using the materials held by our school, so-called rental seats.

Expiration date of user ID

Valid until the end of the current fiscal year (March 31).
Even if you continue to use the service, it will be newly issued after April.

Opening hours

Weekday 9:00 ~ 20:30
Weekdays (closed period) 9:00 ~ 17:00
Saturday and Sunday
9:30 ~ 17:00
Saturday and Sunday (closed period) 9:30 ~ 17:00
  • The holiday period is based on the university's grade calendar.
  • If the opening hours are changed temporarily, we will notify you on a notice or website.
  • Admission is not possible from one week to the end of the regular exam. We will only accept return books and creation of new user IDs.

Closed days

  • Date of organizing the building (1st of every month) ※If the first day is a Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, and if it is during the test period, the next weekday after the test is completed.
  • Holidays, New Year's holidays (December 28-January 3)
  • Dates related to university festivals and university entrance exams
  • For more information, please refer to the library calendar.
  • When the museum is closed temporarily, it will be announced on a notice or website.


Click here for access to the university.

  • There is no parking lot for library users on campus. Please use a nearby parking lot or use public transportation.
  • If you need to come by car for unavoidable reasons, please contact the library in advance.