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Shimonoseki City University



#Citizen's University

We held citizen's university theme lecture "understanding food poisoning including Anisakis correctly" in 2017.

 Wednesday, July 5 14: 00-15: 50 In the large conference room on the 2nd floor of Karato-ichiba, the 2017 Citizens' University theme lecture "Understanding Food Poisoning such as Anisakis correctly" was held.

 Since it was also a time when food poisoning occurred frequently, we held an emergency citizen's university theme course, but many people, including market participants, participated.

 At the lecture, Mr. Tetsuya Kono, Chief of the Shimonoseki Municipal Public Health Center, Shimonoseki City Shimonoseki Public Health Center, gave a lecture on "food poisoning caused by seafood and its occurrence." Next, Mr. Jun Yamamoto, a professor at the Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University, gave a lecture on "Measures to Prevent Food Poisoning from the Life History of Anisakis." Both of them were very interesting lectures.

 After that, during the Q & A session, the citizens of the venue asked many questions about future fish food to the teachers. The curtain was closed successfully, with the high interest in food poisoning in recent years.



   <Reference> To prevent food poisoning due to anisakis

・Heating (1 minute at 60 °C, 70 °C or more)

・Freezing (at -20 °C for more than 24 hours)

・Choose fresh fish and remove internal organs immediately

・Check visually to remove the anisakis larvae.


[Date of publication: 2017.7.7]

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