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Recurrent Education Center

Center introduction

What can I do for 100 years of life?

The Shimonoseki City University Recurrent Education Center has been offering classes for working adults since June 2020. Now that you have experience in life as a member of society, you "want to have some confidence" about the confidence gained from your experience, or you are looking for your own answer in the rules of thumb.
Anyone can learn for any reason. If you're lost in your life, you can learn again many times! That is the recurrent education.




Purpose of Recurrent Education Center

In anticipation of the arrival of the "100 Years of Life" and "Society 5.0", the attention of re-learning (recurrent education, reskilling, and upskilling) of working adults is increasing.

The Recurrent Education Center offers classes mainly on Saturday and night, and has established a system that allows students to learn both face-to-face and online. "I want to develop new occupational skills including reemployment," "I want to develop new occupational skills, including reemployment," and "I want to learn fields that I am interested in for self-improvement because I have time.




You can take the course from nine courses / one subject.

Skill up course

  • Personal Management Skill Up Course
  • Skill-up course for revitalizing the region of whales and whaling
  • Business Data Analysis Skill Up Course
  • How to use and use Excel function improvement course
  • Human Resources Management Up Skilling Course

<Course Certification Program>
Regional Revitalization Management Expert Training Program

Expert Training Course

  • Inclusive education specialist training course
  • Child talent management expert training course
  • Ryokan management expert training course

<Course Certification Program>
Shimonoseki area DX Human Resource Development Listening Program

Listening Course (applied version)


Face-to-face and online hybrid lectures


A course certification program that can be written on your resume

  • There are some courses not applicable.

Open once a month or every other week on Saturdays

  • Only the inn management course is open on weekdays.

Teacher introduction

Full-time faculty member

Lecturer's name Position Specialist
Emi Ueno UENO Megumi Associate Professor
Director of Recurrent Education Center
・Career Education
KISHIMOTO Mitsuhiro KISHIMOTO Mitsuhiro Professor ・Whaling Industry History
・Cultural History
XU Ming XU Ming Lecturer ・Computer software
YAMANE Satoshi YAMANE Satoshi Special Mission Professor ・Information Sciences
TAWADA Junzo Watada Junzo Special Mission Professor ・Analysis of categorycal data
・Model construction through deep learning

Part-time lecturer

Lecturer's name Expert Training Course Affiliation and Main Activities
Natsuki Yano. I inclusive education
Expert Training Course
・HAN Research Foundation (Researcher)
・Master's (Science Sciences)
・Elementary school teacher type license
・Special support school teacher type license
Takashi Okadakashi ⅡPersonal Management Expert Training Course ・Dr. Midorinooka Dental Clinic Director (Clinical Dental)
・Specialist of Japanese Society of Dental Medicine
・Chairman of the Shimonoseki City Dental Association Public Medical Committee
・Administrative scriveners (unregistered)
・Nursery teacher qualification (unregistered)
・Care support specialists (unregistered)
Utagawa Kiyomi Utagawa III Children's Talent Management
Expert Training Course
・President and CEO of Yakult Child Support Co., Ltd.
Naomi Okadana III Children's Talent Management
Expert Training Course
・Nursery teacher
・JAM Certified Montessori Teacher
・Master's (Economics)
・Corporate-led nursery school director Tsumugi Nursery School
Shoichiro Aihara shoro IV Ryokan Management
Expert Training Course
・Representative Director, Arai Ryokan Co., Ltd.
・Chairman of the Japan Ryokan Association Future Vision Committee
・Deputy Chair Shuzenji Onsen Business Cooperative
・Member of the Fuyasukai Foundation
・Member of the Planning Committee of the Japan Efficiency Association, and permanent director of the Japan Ryokan Association Shizuoka Branch
Daisuke Tanabe Tanabe IV Ryokan Management
Expert Training Course
・President and CEO of Sagino Yuso Co., Ltd.
・Regional group Saginoyu Onsen Neko Association Secretary General
・General Manager of Youth Division, Yasugi Ryokan Association
・Shimane Ryokan Association Youth Division Manager
・All Tabiren Youth Club Counselor
・Deputy General Manager of JTB Ryokan Hotel Association Shimane Branch
・Member of the Japan Ryokan Association Future Vision Committee
Kenshi Wada Takeshi IV Ryokan Management
Expert Training Course
・President and CEO Toshimire Corporation
・Part-time lecturer at Shimonoseki City University Liberal Arts Education Course “Tourism in Shimonoseki”
・Director of Shimonoseki Ryokan Hotel Cooperative (former Chairman and Youth Club Chairman)
・Shimonoseki Tourism Campaign Executive Committee (Chairman of Tourism Strategy Division) and former vice chairman and executive committee chairperson
・Vice Chairman of Shimonoseki Convention Association
・West Nation Shimonoseki SCFC Vallein Shimonoseki 
・Director of Japan Ryokan Association Yamaguchi Branch
・Director of the Unoccupied House and Vacancy Zero Networks and Auditor of the Japan Ryokan Association, China Branch
Hiraki Kota Hiraki Shimonoseki area DX Human Resource Development Listening Program ・Data Cubic Co., Ltd.
・Applied Information Engineer
・Microsoft Certified Trainer

Contact information

Shimonoseki City University Recurrent Education Center
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL: 083-250-6162 / FAX: 083-250-6163
E-mail: [email protected]