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About scholarships

Scholarships are designed to help motivated and capable students to pursue their dreams independently and at their own will and responsibility without giving up their studies for financial reasons.

Before applying for a scholarship

STEP1: Understand the economic situation of the family: how much is needed in a month or one year?

First, assuming university life and calculate your monthly or annual income and expenditure.

Calculate the amount you really need, comparing your income and expenditure. Of course, scholarships are obligated to return after university graduation, and it is your own. Let's keep the amount of money to make up for the difference between the balance.

STEP2: Understand the type of scholarship - find a scholarship that suits you~

Scholarships can be broadly divided into "benefit type" and "lending type". "benefit-type" scholarships are not required to be returned in principle (return may be required). On the other hand, "loan-type" scholarships are required to be returned at the same time as university graduation (financing end), and will be returned over a certain period of time. "Lending type" is further classified into interest-free type and interest-bearing type. The current situation is that there are few organizations that carry out benefit types, and the examination is severe.

The organizations that provide scholarship programs can be broadly divided into the Japan Student Services Organization, Local Governments, and Private Scholarship Organizations. The Japan Student Services Organization, a national scholarship program, is the most commonly used scholarships in Japan. On the other hand, scholarships from "local governments" and "private scholarship organizations" are noticeable in interest-free and benefit types, but the number of employees tend to be small.

Depending on each group, there is a difference in refund, interest, and monthly loan amount. Find out the characteristics of each organization and find a scholarship that suits your needs.

STEP3: Understand how to apply ~ Prepare required documents ~

Before applying, please read the application guidelines carefully and check the following items.

  • 1.Do you meet the application qualifications, grades, household standards, etc. specified by each organization?
    Scholarships from local governments are often limited to those from each municipality, and may have age restrictions.
  • 2.When is the application period (deadline)?
    It is often April to May, but some organizations do it before entering university.
  • 3.Where should I file an application?
    Basically, there are many things done at the counter of each organization, but some are done at universities.
  • 4.What are the documents you need?
    The documents to be submitted vary depending on each organization. Some documents (income proof, etc.) that take some time to order, so please prepare early.

Keeping the above points in mind, prepare the required documents without any deficiencies and apply by the deadline.

Scholarship Q & A

  • Q

    What types of scholarships do you have?

  • A

    Scholarships can be broadly divided into "benefit type (return not required)" and "loan type (return obligation at the same time as graduation)". There are two types of "lending type": interest-free type and interest-bearing type.

    As for the types of scholarships, in addition to the Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship, which is a national scholarship project, local governments (such as the Board of Education) and private organizations have their own scholarship programs.

  • Q

    What are the most frequently used scholarships?

  • A

    This is the Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship Program, a national scholarship program.

  • Q

    When is the recruitment time?

  • A

    I am concentrated in April.

    [Japan Student Services Organization]
    Every April, there is a recruitment for students. An application briefing will be held in early April, so if you are interested in receiving or considering a scholarship, please be sure to participate. In addition, there is a reservation recruitment system that applies for scholarships before entering university (when you are in high school). For more information, please contact your high school.

    [Scholarships for local governments and private organizations]
    Depending on each group, it is concentrated in March to May. For more information, please contact your preferred organization.

  • Q

    Where can I apply for the application?

  • A

    It will be held at universities, high schools, and organizations.

    [Japan Student Services Organization]
    Recruitment of students will be accepted at the university window after entering the university.
    Reservation recruitment will be made at the high school where you are enrolled in the third year of high school.

    [Scholarships for local governments and private organizations]
    As a general rule, each person will do so at the counter of each group.
    (Requests requested by the University will be announced on the bulletin board each time.)

  • Q

    Is it possible to pay both the Japan Student Services Organization scholarship and other scholarships such as local governments?

  • A

    There are many groups that are not allowed to pay both.

    The Japan Student Services Organization does not prohibit co-payment with scholarships from other organizations, but many organizations other than the Japan Student Services Organization often prohibit co-payment. For more information, please contact your preferred organization.

  • Q

    If I meet the conditions such as household budget and academic ability, will it be adopted?

  • A

    It may not be adopted.

    It is assumed that the conditions and standards set by each organization are met, but even if they are satisfied, they may not be adopted due to budget and recruitment slots.

  • Q

    This year's recruitment has been over, but I really needed a scholarship. Do I have to wait until next year's recruitment?

  • A

    If your household changes suddenly due to unemployment, bankruptcy, accident, illness or death of a livelihood maintainer, or a disaster such as a fire, storm or flood, etc., and a scholarship is urgently needed, we will recruit at any time. Please consult with the group.

  • Q

    How long will the total refund and how long will it be?

  • A

    It depends on the scholarship group, loan amount, interest rate, etc.

    Regarding the Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship, you can estimate the total amount of refund, monthly installment refund amount, number of repayments, etc. on the "Scholarship Loan / Return Simulation" site below. Please take advantage of it.

  • Q

    Will the scholarship be cut off on the way?

  • A

    It may be abolished due to poor academic performance.

    Scholarships are loaned (benefits) to excellent students who have difficulty studying for financial reasons, so if the credits earned are extremely small or recurrent, the scholarship will be abolished and the transfer will be suspended. Please note that return may be demanded in the case of a payment scholarship.
    In addition, if you violate the rules set by each organization, the recruitment will be canceled or the loan (benefit) will be discontinued. Let's read the rules carefully and become aware of this as a scholar.

Contact information

Student Affairs Department Student Support Division
TEL: 083-252-0289