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Campus support


Example of ESLO Visualization

Five Powers in bachelor's program education

Shimonoseki City University trains well-balanced and highly educated professionals who have acquired the knowledge and skills that can contribute to the development of local communities and the international community. In addition, we use the developed index "ESLO", we visualize the strengths of each student and the growth of learning.

Self-understanding and self-management skills

The ability to be interested in social and local issues, to recognize and understand the role they should play, and motivate them to realize them.

Innovation Power

The ability to express one's own opinions and discuss with others through proper writing and presentation, and to collaborate with others to realize new ideas based on creativity and flexibility of thinking.

Information, Media and Technology Literacy

The ability to collect information necessary to solve issues based on knowledge of mathematics, statistics, and information processing, and to properly analyze the collected information

International Power

Ability to collect and analyze information in a language that is not native language, and to communicate by expressing one's own ideas, while taking into account knowledge and understanding of different cultures.

Professional skills

The ability to have knowledge and skills in specialized fields and to utilize them for problem solving and social development