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New tuition fees and study support system

Tuition Fee Reduction System

As a measure to reduce tuition fees, there is a system to reduce or exempt tuition fees to be paid for each term (spring semester and autumn semester). In addition to the reduction of taxes, there is also a system for paying tuition fees.
The tuition reduction system has the following system.

  1. Based on the "Law Concerning Support for Study at Universities, etc." based on the "Law Concerning Support for Study at Universities, etc." (You can also receive scholarships from the Japan Student Services Organization). Please refer to the new study support system for higher education (link).
  2. Reduction of tuition fees in consideration of damage caused by disasters
     OIST has a system to reduce or exempt tuition fees in the event that a person who pays the tuition fee suffers damage corresponding to the following (1) due to a disaster.
    (1) Target person Persons whose houses or household goods have been partially damaged or more due to earthquake, storm or flood, fire or other disaster
       (One time only for disasters within one year before application)
    (2) Up to half the tuition fee for the semester.
    (3) Application acceptance period Acceptance at any time
    (4) Application procedures submitted to the Student Support Division Office
    • Please consult with Student Support Division first.
  3. Reduction of tuition fees for international students, graduate students, and special courses
    (1) Applicants (international students, graduate students, special major students) have good academic performance and have the shortest enrollment period.
       Graduation or completion
       If the person who is expected to pay the tuition fee falls under any of the following:
      ①If the total income of the household to which the target student belongs is equal to or less than the threshold specified separately.
      ②In addition, if Chair deems it particularly necessary
    (2) Judgment criteria Comprehensive judgment based on academic performance and household status up to the previous semester
    (3) Application acceptance period
      Spring semester: Mid-January to mid-March
      Fall semesters: Scheduled for early July to late August
    (4) Application procedures
      "Application for reduction of taxes" during application acceptance period at International Exchange Center (international students) and Student Support Division (graduate and special major students)
      Please apply with the required documents by the deadline.
    (5) Notes
    • Judgment will be made based on academic performance and household status up to the previous semester, so the results of the examination may differ for each term. In addition, since the exemption will be carried out within the limited budget, even if the examination criteria are met, the exemption may not be granted.
    • Application qualifications and application procedures for spring semester (1st year) at the time of admission are different from the above (excluding international students). Details will be announced via e-mail, bulletin board, and website.

Inquiries regarding reduction of taxes

Student Affairs Department Student Support Division
TEL: 083-252-0289

Inquiries regarding tuition payment

General Affairs Department Accounting Division
TEL: 083-252-0288