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Student life support



A campus-free campus

Shimonoseki City University aims to create an environment where everyone can learn, study, and work with peace of mind, and to be a university where their abilities can be maximized. In order to prevent the occurrence of harassment and respond promptly and appropriately when a problem occurs, we have established the “Summary of Prevention and Resolution of Cases” and “Guidelines on Prevention and Resolution of Harassment” and “Guidelines on Prevention and Resolution of Harassment” And support victims and educational activities.

What is harassment?

Harassment refers to human rights violations that cause disadvantages or discomfort to the other party due to gender, social status, race, nationality, creed, age, occupation, physical characteristics, etc., or behavior against personality, etc., and impairs its dignity. I mean There are the following types of harassment:

1.Sexual harassment (sexual harassment)
 To perform sexual behavior or harassment that causes disadvantages or discomfort, contrary to the will of the other party.

2.Academic harassment (academic harassment)
 To interfere with or harassment related to educational guidance and research activities.

3.Power harassment (Power Hara)
 A person in a superior position uses his position to perform harassment or other behaviors. Sexual harassment and red harassment are powerful in a broad sense. 
 It is encompassed in.

4.Alcohol harassment (alharara)
 To engage in harassment or harassment related to drinking.

5.SOGI Harassment (SOGI harassment)
 Discrimination or harassment related to sexual orientation and gender identity.

6.Other Harassment
 Behavior and behavior that violates human rights that do not conform to the above types also fall under harassment.

Prevention of Harassment

1.In order not to be an assailant
 Even if the perpetrator is not aware, harassment can be caused if the other person perceives it as uncomfortable. The same behavior, such as family and friends.
 First of all, think about whether you can endure it by being directed to someone close to you.

2.In order not to be a victim
 In order not to continue suffering damage, it is important to tell the other party that the act is unpleasant. I don't like it when I'm uncomfortable.
 Let's show your intention. Also, don't worry about being patient alone, and harassment of our university as soon as possible.
 Let's talk to your counselor.

    Harassment Consultation Service

    Consultation and Support Center (weekdays 8:30 to 17:15)
    Phone: TEL: 083-253-8166 TEL: 083-253-8919 (directly)
    E-mail: [email protected]

    ※The content of the consultation will be strictly observed. It will never be disadvantaged to the consultant.
    ※In addition to direct visits, consultations are accepted in various ways, such as telephone, e-mail, and letters.
     Consultation by an agent or a third party is also acceptable.