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Student life support

Health management

Consultation and Support Center

In Consultation and Support Center, professional counselors are available to deal with all problems and problems, such as life at university, Osamu, and human relationships. In addition, we also provide consultations and applications on reasonable accommodation, and consultations on harassment. The content of the consultation will not be communicated to a third party without the consent of the individual, and will never be disadvantaged to the user. Depending on the content of the consultation, we will provide support in cooperation with stakeholders both inside and outside the university, depending on the consent and wishes of the consultant.

The health room provides temporary rest, first aid measures, and health consultations when you are sick, injured, or feel sick.

 <This kind of use is also possible>
・You can check your body (height, weight, blood pressure, and visual acuity measurement).
・Health consultation will be conducted based on the results of regular health examinations.
・You will be required to submit a notification of absence when you have a school infection.
・You can take an alcohol patch test to know your alcohol constitution.

Regular health checkups

Regular health checkups are designed to maintain and improve student health and are eligible for all students enrolled under the School Health and Safety Act.
A health checkup is a good opportunity not only for early detection and treatment of illness, but also to grasp one's health condition and review daily life. It will be held every year in April, so be sure to take it.

Inspection items  
 Physical measurement (height, weight), chest x-ray examination, urine test
 Only third-year students who have taken the final grade of the fourth grade and the teaching course will be required to have visual acuity test and blood pressure measurement.

Oh Details will be announced on the bulletin board, etc., so be sure to check it.
Oh The results of the medical examination will be posted on campus mate, so please check it yourself.

About issuance of medical examination certificate

It can be issued by an automatic certificate issuing machine from the beginning of May. If you are a third-year student who is taking the final grade of the 4th grade and the teaching course, please issue it. However, you will not be able to issue a health checkup certificate unless you have received a medical checkup in the year of issue.

(You may need a health checkup certificate for job hunting or practical training, but if you forget to receive it, you will not be able to issue a medical checkup certificate and you will have to go to your own expense.)

Infectious diseases that are likely to cause major epidemics in schools

COVID-19 infection

In Japan, it was transferred to Class 5 infectious diseases on May 8, 2023, and as a result, it became a Class II disease under the School Health and Safety Act. Various behavior restrictions have been eliminated, but let's continue to live with basic infection control measures.
The main symptoms of COVID-19 infection are fever, sore throat, cough, etc., and the concept of the recuperation period is that 5 days after onset (0 days of onset) and until 24 hours have elapsed.


Every year, the infection occurs frequently in winter. There are two types of infection: droplet infection and contact infection, and vaccination is recommended for prevention. If you suspect flu, such as a sudden fever, there is a possibility of COVID-19, so call first before consulting your GP.
The suspension period is 5 days after onset (the onset date is 0 days) and until 2 days after fever has elapsed (excluding the fever day).


If you have an infectious disease, follow your doctor's instructions and focus on treatment.

In order to prevent the spread of infection on campus, if you feel unusual in your physical condition, take a rest and consider consulting your GP.

If you have any of the following school infectious diseases, please notify the university (first call).
① COVID-19 infection 2 Influenza 3 whooping cough 4 Measles (measles) 5 rubella 6 epidemic parotitis (mumps) 7 chickenpox (mizuboso) 8 pharyngeal conjunctival fever 9 Meningocococococococcal meningitis 10 tuberculosis, etc.
If you are absent from a class due to a school infectious disease that has a fixed period of suspension of attendance, you will be issued a notice of absence by submitting a medical certificate. If you wish to apply, please contact us by phone in advance.

Consultation and Support Center Health Office TEL: 083-253-8986

Infection measures on campus

As social activities become more active and human-to-person contact increases, the epidemic of infectious diseases increases. However, many infectious diseases can be prevented beforehand depending on each person's daily care.
Regular ventilation, hand washing and hand disinfection, cough etiquette (wearing a mask, etc.) and necessary vaccinations are effective to prevent infectious diseases. To prevent influenza, we recommend early vaccination every year before the epidemic. In addition, it is important to take sufficient nutrition and sleep on a daily basis, and to increase physical strength and resistance. When you are sick, try to live with the basics of resting at home.

Consultation Support Center Health Room

TEL: 083-253-8986 
E-mail: [email protected]