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Shimonoseki City University



#Examination students

[To examinees] Alert regarding COVID-19 infection

 On February 1, 2020, the COVID-19 infection "COVID-19" was enacted as a "designated infectious disease."

 Based on this, we will inform you of the following regarding the entrance examinations for the individual academic achievement test (first and middle semesters).


 It is also a time when colds and flu epidemics, so please try to prevent infectious diseases and manage your physical condition by thoroughly washing your hands and gargle, wearing a mask, and avoiding going out to the crowd.

 For more information on COVID-19 infection measures, please visit the Cabinet Secretariat.

 We also note that we may continue to provide additional considerations as necessary.

[Date of publication: 2020.2.18]

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Academic Affairs Group Entrance Examination Group
TEL & FAX. 083-254-8611 (direct entrance examination group)
TEL.083-252-0288 (Representative of university)
MAIL. [email protected]