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Shimonoseki City University



#Citizen's University

We held Shimonoseki City University theme course in 2014.

 On June 28, 2014 (Saturday), Shimonoseki City University theme lecture "Energize the area with agriculture" was held.
 Move to grape tree (Ogaki-cho, Onga-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture) by microbus On-site tour was conducted with the guidance of Mr. Okumoto (Grano 24K Co., Ltd.). After having a delicious lunch by locally grown and consumed, a symposium and workshop was held in the afternoon.

◆Greetings from Holding
 Toshimitsu Namba (Professor, Shimonoseki City University)

◆Lecture "Aiming for the Sixth Industry in the Region"
 Mr. Kaoru Okumoto (Director, Grano 24K General Affairs Department, Grano, Co., Ltd.)

◆Lecture "Necessity of Sixth Industry in Rural Areas"
 Mr. Makoto Sakamoto (Director of Research Office, National Municipal Association)

◆Lecture "Necessity of Economic Circulation in the Region"
 Kensuke Yoshihiro (Associate Professor, Momoyama Gakuin University)

◆Discussions and floor questions and answers

◆Workshop "How to make the area healthy with agriculture?"

 Through lively exchange of opinions with the participating citizens and exchanges at the workshop, we spent a very meaningful time, and the course was highly satisfied for all participants.
 We will hold a theme course for citizens next year, so we look forward to the participation of many people.



[Date of publication: 2014.7.2]

Regional Co-creation Center attached to Shimonoseki City University
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622