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Shimonoseki City University



#Regional Cooperation

About the establishment of the Urban Mirai Creation Strategy Organization

 Until today, the Affiliated Regional Co-creation Center has been striving to contribute to the community centering on Shimonoseki City, contributing through research, and providing a place for residents to learn, but since FY2021, the “City Mirai Creation Strategy Organization” will continue its business as a network of industry, government, and higher education institutions, aiming to become a regional information bank, return accurate information and research results to the community, and provide career support for student career support for student career support for future career support for the creation. Shimonoseki City University, a public university, cooperates with local Shimonoseki citizens, industry, government, and other higher education institutions, in order to enhance the power of the region, establish a self-reliant economy, and other higher education institutions. It is necessary to accurately grasp the needs of the human resources required by the region and develop human resources who can play an active role in the community.
 Shimonoseki City University believes that the mission of the university is to understand local issues, provide hints for solutions, and provide timely information required by the community.

SUNAHARA Masao, General Manager, Urban Innovation Strategy Organization

[Posting date: 2021.4.1]


Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategic Organization Regional Collaboration Section
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622