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Shimonoseki City University




[Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship] Emergency response to students affected by the COVID-19 infection

I would like to inform you of the title as follows:
Students who meet the following requirements and wish to use the system should consult with Student Support Division in advance and complete procedures by the deadline.

※Please contact Student Support Division as soon as possible to confirm that the requirements for the system are met.

1.Additional recruitment for students (scheduled for the first time in August) 

◆Type of recruitment
 1. Loan Scholarship (First Class 1 Scholarship (interest-free loan)
 2. Class 2 Scholarship (interest-bearing loan)
 3. Scholarship recipients

◆Beginning payment: 1 and 3 are from April 2021, 2 is the desired month from April to September 2021.

◆Submission deadline: June 7, 2021 12:00 (Mon.)
 ※Please consult us by 17:00 on May 28 (Fri) because there are many preparation documents.

2.Emergency interest-free loan type scholarship 

◆Requirements (those who satisfy all of the following 1 to 5)

  1. Meet the criteria for class 2 scholarships (person, academic ability, household budget)
  2. Have not received a Class 2 scholarship loan at the time of recommendation
  3. Have not received a large amount of remittances from the household (remittance amount must not be 1.5 million yen or more per year)
  4. High percentage of part-time job income to living expenses and tuition
  5. Significant decrease in part-time job income of students due to the expansion of COVID-19 infection

    (In FY2021, part-time job income decreased by more than 50% due to the expansion of COVID-19 infection. (i.e.g., no longer earning expected income because of the planned part-time job)

◆Final submission deadline (accepted from time to time): January 7, 2022 (Fri.) 17:00

◆Loan period: Significant decline in part-time job income due to the application of the declaration of a state of emergency or priority measures to prevent spread.
 From the desired month to March 2022 (the loan will be limited to FY2021 only)

3.Loan scholarships will be issued early (for those who have already been hired) 

◆Target: Type 1 Scholarships and Class 2 Scholarship
 ※1 Those who have already been hired as Type 1 Scholarship Students or Class 2 Scholarship Students
 ※2 The transfer for July to September will be transferred in July, so the next scholarship will be in October.
 ※3 Depending on the status of the scholarship you are using, it may not be available.

    (Examples that cannot be used)
  • The transfer status of scholarships for July to September 2019 is "paid / suspended" or "pending" (including schedule).
  • If you wish to receive a first-class scholarship early, the support category of the benefit scholarship that you have received has not been determined until September.
  • Procedure of change from human assurance to Institutional Guarantee (including schedule)

◆Submission deadline: June 3, 2021 17:00 (Thursday)

◆Documents to be submitted: Early grant application

4.Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's "COVID-19 infection Support Leaves and Benefits" and "Employment Adjustment Subsidy"
  Continuation of special measures under “Emergency Employment Stability Subsidy” 

◆Click here for more information (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website).

[Date of publication: 2021.5.25]

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Student Affairs Department Student Support Division
TEL. 083-252‐0289 / FAX. 083-252-8099