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Shimonoseki City University



#Contribution to local communities

About the transfer of materials in the reference room

 In order to create opportunities to experience the history and culture of Shimonoseki City regarding whale materials owned by OIST, whale materials will be open to the public on September 4, 2021) and puffer materials will be open to the public in the windbreaking room on the first floor of the main building.

 As a result, the library on campus will be closed as of June 9, 2021.

[Whale Materials] A part of the exhibition at Chofu Garden Ninokura (8-11, Kuromon Higashimachi, Shimonoseki City)
[Puffer fish material] A part of the windbreak room on the first floor of the main building.

[Date of publication: 2021.6.9]

Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategic Organization, Regional Collaboration Section
TEL. 083-254‐8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622