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Shimonoseki City University



#Community Activities

TUFS students participated in the final round of the "Care Care Digital Hackathon in Shimonoseki".

On January 22nd (Saturday), the final examination of the “Nursing Care Digital Hackathon in Shimonoseki” (*) hosted by the Shimonoseki City Smart City Promotion Council was held at Baiko Gakuin University.
Several students from Okayama University also participated. Students from other universities and young professionals from other universities also participate in this program.
Approximately 30 participants gathered at the kick-off event in October were divided into six teams, and started with the aim of solving nursing care issues. During the three months, we worked on solutions to embody the ideas shared by each team.
At the final judging session, each team made original ideas and proposals. In addition, the presentation was broadcast live on Youtube.
I think everyone who participated was a very valuable experience. I hope to make use of this experience to make a further leap forward.

※"Hackathon" is a coined word combining hack and a marathon (marathon), and is an event that competes for ideas + services.


[Date of publication: 2022.1.25]

Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategic Organization (Regional Cooperation Division)
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622
E-mail. [email protected]