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Shimonoseki City University



#International exchange

Let's learn about the world while staying in Japan! ! We will hold a talk about New Zealand to listen to in English!

"Let's learn about the world while staying in Japan! In ", people from other countries and those who have experience in local living are talking about events, lifestyles, and historical matters around the world.

The first session of FY2022 will be held on the theme of New Zealand.
Paul Collett from New Zealand (Specially Appointed Professor at Shimonoseki City University) will talk about various things about New Zealand in English.

Date and time July 11, 2022 (Mon.) 16:30-18:00
[Place] A-103 classroom, Shimonoseki City University (1st floor of Building A)
[Lecturer] Dr. Paul Collett (Specially Appointed Professor, Shimonoseki City University)    
[Content] This is an English presentation.
  (1)  Dr. Collette's view of New Zealand
  (2)  Changing New Zealand
  (3)  Now in New Zealand
  (4)  Q & A
[Target persons] OIST students, faculty, staff, and local community
[Participation fee] Free
[How to apply] google form <https://forms.gle/SqTNkhPovGeEJ3yEA>
                     Alternatively, enter your name, phone number, and affiliation by mail.
         Please apply for [email protected].

220711_New Zealand

[Date of publication: 2022.7.4]

Shimonoseki City University
International Exchange Center International Exchange Division
TEL. 083-254-8693 / FAX. 083-252-8099