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Three Policies

Three Policies

Students enrolled in the period from 2015 to 2021

Diploma Policy Graduation Accreditation and Graduation Div.

Faculty of Economics

Faculty of Economics, Shimonoseki City University aims to be a creative and highly educated professional who can adapt to modern society, acquire logical thinking skills through basic education, enhance language and international communication skills through language education, acquire a wide range of education through liberal arts education, acquire a wide range of education through liberal arts education, acquire a wide range of education through liberal arts education.
The Diploma policies of each department of Faculty of Economics is as follows.

(1) Department of Economics

Based on basic knowledge of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and economic theory, students acquire a wide range of basic knowledge of theories, history, and policies related to economic analysis, finance, fiscal, social policy, global economy, and regional economies and societies, acquire the applied knowledge of their own specialized fields.

(2) Department of International Commerce

Based on the basic knowledge of commerce, business administration, and economics, students acquire a wide range of basic knowledge of theory and practice in international economic and international relations, East Asia, distribution, marketing, business administration information, accounting and bookkeeping, and acquire the ability to analyze and logically express the various problems faced by companies and economies in the global era through specialized exercises.

(3) Department of Public Management

Based on basic knowledge of business administration and economics, students who have acquired a wide range of basic knowledge of theory and practice on public policy, management, and local communities, and combine the experience learned through practical training in local communities with applied knowledge in specialized fields, and acquired the ability to analyze and solve public issues on their own through specialized exercises.

Curriculum Policy Curriculum Development and Implementation Policy

Faculty of Economics

Faculty of Economics, Shimonoseki City University organizes and implements the curriculum based on the following policies.

  1. The curriculum consists of three pillars: basic education, liberal arts education, and specialized education. Basic education consists of foreign languages, international communication, information and mathematical, and health and sports sciences. In addition, you can study a variety of liberal arts subjects throughout the four years to acquire a well-balanced and rich culture. For specialized education, students can acquire specialized knowledge systematically and stepwise from the first year, basic courses from the second year, and apply courses from the third year to acquire specialized knowledge systematically and stepwise from the first year.
  2. In order to acquire literacy to study at university, the first year of education, we have set "Academic Literacy" in the spring semester of the first year and "Basic Exercise" in the fall semester.
  3. In order to develop communication skills, problem-solving skills, and presentation skills, following basic exercises, "Development Exercise II" in the second year, "Specialized Exercise I" in the third year, and "Specialized Exercise II" in the fourth year. We have established a small number of interactive classes for all grades.
  4. In addition to English, Chinese and Korean as the first foreign language, based on the location of the university, students can learn Chinese and Korean as their first foreign languages, and each has a rich curriculum.
  5. There are also opportunities for foreign training and study abroad, so that you can improve your language skills that can be used internationally. In addition, for motivated students, we have established a foreign language sub-major system that allows students to acquire advanced language skills by combining liberal arts courses, exercises, and practical learning to deepen their understanding of foreign languages throughout the four years.
  6. In order to promote awareness of learning independently, research conducted by students under the guidance of faculty members are certified as "joint independent research."
  7. Even after graduation, we provide career education so that students can improve their qualities and develop the skills necessary to achieve social and professional independence. In addition, we encourage internships in Japan and overseas, and certify the results of these efforts. In addition to cultivating employment skills through these career education, students who have acquired excellent expertise through basic, liberal arts, and specialized education, and have achieved certain results are certified as "Working Ability Meisters."

Curriculum policies for each department of Faculty of Economics are as follows.

(1) Department of Economics

Department of Economics has courses to systematically study theories, policies, and history related to economic and social issues facing modern society.
In the first and second grades, students will surely acquire basic subjects such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, and economic theory. From the second year, students will study a wide range of basic subjects in four subjects (Group A Financial and Economic Analysis, Group B Finance and Social Policy, Group B Finance and Social Policy, Group C Global Economy, Group D Regional Economics and Society). From the third year, students will select one of the four subjects and enhance their expertise by studying applied subjects in the same group. Students will deepen their research through specialized exercises, and prepare their graduation thesis for the fourth year to culminate their studies.
Each subject group has the following characteristics.

Group A Financial and Economic Analysis

Students will learn the ability to analyze the economy through economic policy, econometrics, etc., and also learn finance theory and policies through financial theory and international financial theory.

Group B Financial and Social Policy

Students will learn government activities and theories through finance, social policy, etc. Students will also learn theories and policies of labor and environmental issues through labor economic theory and environmental resource economics.

Group C Global Economy

Students will learn the theory and reality of the global economy through international trade theory and international political economics. Students will also learn about the systems and current state of each country's economy through Chinese economic theory and Korean economic theory.

Group D Regional Economics and Society

In addition to learning about the relationship between the region and the economy through economic geography and regional theory, we will also learn about the local economy and society through regional industry theory and urban sociology.

(2) Department of International Commerce

In addition to economics, Department of International Commerce will learn the theory and practice of commerce and business administration. In addition, we will develop the ability to adapt to global business operations centered on East Asia, as well as business management and accounting, using IT.
In the first and second years, students acquire basic subjects such as general theory of commerce, introduction to business administration, introduction to international economics, bookkeeping principle I, information systems theory, etc. From the second year, students will study a wide range of basic courses in four subjects (Group A International and East Asia, Group B Distribution and Marketing, Group C Management and Management Information, Group D accounting and bookkeeping). From the third year, students will be selected from one of the four subjects and improve their expertise by learning applied subjects in the same group. Students will deepen their research through specialized exercises, and prepare their graduation thesis for the fourth year to culminate their studies.
Each subject group has the following characteristics.

Group A International and East Asia

Students will learn the theory and reality of the global economy through international trade theory and international political economics. In addition, we will deepen our understanding of the institutional and current state of the East Asian economy, economic development and the role of companies through the theory of Chinese economic theory and multinational corporations.

Group B Distribution and Marketing

Understand the characteristics of today's market through distribution theory, marketing theory, commercial history, etc., and learn about the history and current state of corporate activities and strategies. In addition, students will deepen their understanding of the practical and institutional aspects of business, such as trade practices and consumer law.

Group C Management and Management Information

Students learn management theory and methods through business management theory, personnel and labor management theory, and management information theory. In addition, students will deepen their understanding of modern companies and management issues through management organization theory, industrial organization theory, management data analysis, etc.

Group D accounting and bookkeeping

You will learn the theory and practice of accounting and bookkeeping through cost calculation theory and accounting principles. In addition, students will deepen their understanding of corporate finance and corporate governance through corporate analysis theory and corporate law.

(3) Department of Public Management

In addition to economics, Department of Public Management learns the theory and practice of management. Based on these, we will develop the ability of research, analysis, presentation, and communication skills to plan and coordinate measures to address public issues facing communities such as regional revitalization.
In the first and second years, students will acquire basic subjects such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, and introduction to business administration. In addition, from the second year, students will study a wide range of basic subjects in three subjects (Group A Public Policy, Group B Management, Community C Community). In addition, through public management training in the first to second years, students learn about the field of public issues in the local community. From the third year, students will enhance their expertise by studying applied subjects in each group. Students will deepen their research through specialized exercises, and prepare their graduation thesis for the fourth year to culminate their studies.
Each subject group has the following characteristics.

Group A Public Policy

Students will learn theories and analytical methods for analyzing public issues facing society and evaluating countermeasures through financial science, social policy, urban environment theory, and so on.

Group B Management

Students will learn the theory and reality of management, which is indispensable for operating an organization not only in private companies, through business management theory, public non-profit strategy, and non-profit accounting.

Group C Community

Students will learn theories and methods necessary to understand the current state of local communities facing various public challenges through economic geography, rural sociology, and social research theory.

Admission policy Policy Policy Policies for Accepting Admissions

Faculty of Economics

At Shimonoseki City University Faculty of Economics

  1. I am interested in various social issues
  2. I am eager to learn and challenge spirit of challenge.
  3. With logical reading comprehension and quantitative analytical ability
    We are looking for a wide variety of students.

Each department of Faculty of Economics is seeking the following students:

(1) Faculty of Economics Department of Economics

We are looking for students who are willing to actively participate in solving economic and social problems faced by modern society, and have the logical thinking ability to learn these problems academically.

(2) Faculty of Economics Department of International Commerce

We are looking for students who are interested in global business and corporate management in today's global business and corporate management, are eager to challenge international exchange mainly in East Asia, and have basic language skills and information processing skills.

(3) Faculty of Economics Department of Public Management

We are looking for students who are willing to actively work in the local community, are widely interested in the public issues of the community, such as regional revitalization, and have the logical thinking skills to learn them academically.