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University Overview

Three Policies (graduate schools)

Students enrolled in 2024

Diploma Policy Graduation Accreditation and Graduation Div.

Economic Community Systems and International Business Concentration

Those who have been enrolled for a certain period of time, have earned the required credits required for completion, receive necessary research guidance, meet one of the following requirements, and have passed the master's thesis examination and examination of the master's thesis (Economic) degree will be awarded.

Educational Economics Area

In light of the philosophy of Shimonoseki City University Graduate School of Graduate School of Economics Economics and Business Administration , Shimonoseki City University Graduate School of Education and Economics, in light of the philosophy of Shimonoseki City University, which aims to deepen understanding of people's exchange and coexistence in the international community and open up new perspectives.
In order to develop such human resources, students who have been enrolled in the school for a certain period of time, acquire the credits required for completion, receive necessary research guidance, pass the master's thesis examination, and have achieved the following goals.

Curriculum Policy Curriculum Development and Implementation Policy

Economic Community Systems and International Business Concentration

1. Organizing the curriculum

In order to train highly specialized professionals through advanced learning and creative research on various issues related to the modern economic system and business, courses related to industries, regions, communities, and communities (the "economic community system" field) and subjects related to accounting, information, East Asia, etc. (the "international business" field) and subjects related to accounting, information, East Asia, etc. (the "international business" field) and courses related to accounting, information, so that students can be established.

2. Education content and methods

3. Assessment of academic achievement
The grade evaluation criteria for master's thesis are as follows.

  1. Whether the theme setting of the paper is clear and appropriate
  2. Whether the composition and logical deployment of the paper is consistent
  3. Whether prior research or related research is properly considered
  4. Whether the notes, materials, citations, etc. are properly displayed and the format of the paper is in place.
  5. Whether a certain level of knowledge is presented to the research issues
  6. Whether the response in the final exam is correct?

Educational Economics Area

In order to provide students with "logical thinking skills" and "specialization", the following specialized courses will be established so that students can understand and analyze educational events from a multifaceted and multifaceted perspective on the basis of economics and business administration.

These subjects will incorporate active learning, etc. as appropriate, depending on the type of class, such as lectures and exercises. The evaluation of Gaku Osamu's achievements will be made in a pluralistic and comprehensive manner according to the Gaku Osamu goal.

Admission policy Policy Policy Policies for Accepting Admissions

Economic Community Systems and International Business Concentration

With the declining birthrate and aging population, globalization, and rapid technological innovation, the modern social and economic environment is undergoing a major transformation, and advanced professional professionals with specialized knowledge to open up a new era are required. I am. In light of the demands of these times, in order to train such human resources, we are asking for the admission of students with the following motivation and desires.

Educational Economics Area

With globalization and changes in the times with a view to the age of 100 years of life, the social and economic environments in Japan and overseas are undergoing major transformation, and there is a need for specialized knowledge that opens up a new era. In the field of education and economics, in light of the demands of such an era, we hope that students with the following motivation will be admitted.