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Article 22-6 of the Educational Staff License Act Enforcement Regulations

1.Matters related to teacher training goals and plans to achieve those goals.

The university's three principles are "creating new knowledge based on the integrity of education and research," "education and research that focuses on the world, mainly in East Asia," and "education and research rooted in the community as an intellectual center for local communities." Based on this philosophy, our education and research aims to "cultivate well-balanced, highly educated professionals" and "contribute to the development of local communities and the international community." In accordance with this, the goal of cultivating teachers at OIST is to have a rich culture and a high level of expertise, and the aim is to enrich the community by such faculty members.

By mastering theories, policies, and history related to the international and national economy, regional and local economics and societies, Department of Economics aims to train teachers based on being a creative business person who can respond appropriately to problems in the modern economy.

Department of Public Management aims to train teachers who are proficient in the theory and practice of management (effective management) and who are active in various public activities such as government, corporations, NPO activities, and community development.

In special majors, as a teacher training course for incumbent teachers or those who have obtained (expected) teacher's license, researches more advanced expertise, and children at local educational sites centered on special needs schools. The aim is to train special support education specialists who can demonstrate problem-solving skills in response to the diverse actual situation and educational needs.