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Article 22-6 of the Educational Staff License Act Enforcement Regulations

3.Matters related to the training of teachers, the method and contents of each class subject, and annual lesson plan.

A teacher's license that can be obtained

Departments Types of license and subject
Department of Economics Junior high school teacher A type of license society
High school teacher Type license Geographic history
High school teacher Type a license civilian
Department of International Commerce High school teacher type license commercial (until students enrolled in 2021)
Department of Public Management Junior high school teacher A type of license society
High school teacher Type a license civilian
Department of Data Science
(Opened in April 2024)
Junior high school teacher type license mathematics
High school teacher type license mathematics
High school teacher type license information

Special Majors Type and territories of licenses
Special Needs Education Vocational Course Special support school teacher type license Licensing person with intellectual disability
Special Needs School Teacher Type License Physically Handicapped
Special support school teacher A type of license sick

List of subjects specializing in teaching professions and whitebass

List of specializing in teaching professions

Faculty of Economics

Special Majors

List of specializing in teaching professions
