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Open Lecture

2022 Shimonoseki City University “Citizen's University Open Lecture”

Announcement of recruitment of participants in FY2022(4) Public University Open Lecture (Autumn Semester) (Online)

※The course will be held as an online event and will be recruited. (Use Zoom)

If you are new to use Zoom, please take this opportunity to join us.
(It is an application that uses video (video) and audio to enable communication with distant people using video (video) and audio as in video conferences.)
You will not be able to attend the university and take the course, but you can watch it at home, etc. using a computer or tablet.

Please click the URL below to apply. (Recommended)

Course name
Date and time and place Capacity Tuition fees Application
Frontier for effective use of unused areas of whales
Industry-Academia Initiatives for Commercialization
Lecturer: KISHIMOTO Mitsuhiro
Professor Faculty of Economics

Commercial whaling, which was resumed for the first time in 31 years in 2019, has a social mission not only putting whaling on a profitable basis, but also has a social mission to engage in initiatives in line with the SDGs. It is required to make effective use of skins other than the parts) and to work on new commercialization. Introducing the demonstration tests of the Shimonoseki Regional Industry-Academia Council, which has been engaged in these initiatives for three years, and the front-line research for future commercialization.
Wednesday, October 26

Online holding
Zoom will be used (you can watch at home, etc., not viewing at OIST.)
30 people Free
(However, please pay the communication fee for viewing by yourself.)
(First-come, first-served basis)
Introduction to Statistics, AI, and DS
- Statistics, AI, DS (Data Science)
Exploring Appearance and History
Lecturer: Associate Professor Organization for Liberal Arts Education SASAKI Jun

In recent years, we have come to hear the words of statistics, AI, and DS (data science). Therefore, I would like to introduce statistics, AI, and DS essence along with historical events that led to breakthroughs. I don't assume mathematical knowledge. We will give you an introduction to statistics, AI, and DS mainly focusing on the contents that we usually get close to.
Tuesday, November 15

Online holding
Zoom will be used (you can watch at home, etc., not viewing at OIST.)
30 people Free
(However, please pay the communication fee for viewing by yourself.)
(first-come, first-served basis)
Learn the economy from history
From one aspect of the West Economic History
Lecturer: FUJII Yoshio
Professor Faculty of Economics

I will explain the establishment and development of a market society in an easy-to-understand manner.
Thursday, December 1

Online holding
Zoom will be used (you can watch at home, etc., not viewing at OIST.)
50 people Free
(However, please pay the communication fee for viewing by yourself.)
(first-come, first-served basis)


Please apply from the above URL. (Recommended)

When applying by mail, postcard, or fax, fill in the desired course name, address, full name (furigana), age, e-mail address (please fill in), daytime contact information (mobile phone, etc.), Until "Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategy Organization Regional Cooperation Division Citizen's University Open Lecture Section "
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi
TEL.083-254-8613 / FAX.083-253-1622
E-mail [email protected]
●Application form 105KB for FAX

Announcement of recruitment of participants of the 2022 Public University Open Lecture (Spring Semester) (Online)

※The course will be held as an online event and will be recruited.

Zoom(*) is used. If you are new to use Zoom, please take this opportunity to join us.
(* This is an application that allows you to communicate with distant people using video (videos) and audio similar to video conferencing.)
You will not be able to attend the university and take the course, but you can watch it at home, etc. using a computer or tablet.

[Application] Please click the URL below to apply. (Recommended)

[Open Lecture]

Course name
Date and time and place Capacity Tuition fees Application

New Development of German Life and Medical Ethics
What are the ethical challenges of PGD and genome editing?
Lecturer: Professor Takahiro Kirihara Professor, Faculty of Economics

In Germany, research use of fertilized eggs and early embryos has been banned under the "Human Dignity" clause of the Basic Law and the embryo Protection Law. However, with the limited legalization of pre-position genetic diagnosis (PGD) (2011) was a major turning point, and recently the limited acceptance of germline intervention by genome editing has emerged, the argument that conventional restrictions should be eased.
In this course, I would like to point out unsolved issues, such as the moral status of the early embryos and concerns about social discrimination, and also touch on the future prospects for ethical discussions in Japan.

Thursday, June 23

Online holding
Zoom will be used (you can watch at home, etc., not viewing at OIST.)
30 people Free
(Please pay the communication fee for viewing by yourself.)
(first-come, first-served basis)

Newcomer High School Students
~ Initiatives at Public High Schools in Osaka and Kanagawa
Lecturer: ISHIKAWA Tomoko
Specially Appointed Professor, Urban Mirai Creation Strategy Organization

Today, the number of immigrants who are going to high school is increasing. What kind of careers do they want to form?
In this course, after organizing the world's immigration education situation around the world, discussions will be held on things that play an important role in career development, focusing on examples of initiatives at high schools in Osaka Prefecture and Kanagawa Prefecture, which have special entrance examinations for foreigners.

Wednesday, July 6

Online holding
Zoom will be used (you can watch at home, etc., not viewing at OIST.)
30 people Free
(Please pay the communication fee for viewing by yourself.)
(First-come, first-served basis)


Please apply from the URL of [Application] above (recommended).

When applying by mail, postcard, or fax, fill in the desired course name, address, full name (furigana), age, e-mail address (be sure to fill in), daytime contact information (mobile phone, etc.), Until "Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategy Organization Regional Cooperation Division Citizen's University Open Lecture Section "
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi
TEL.083-254-8613 / FAX.083-253-1622
E-mail [email protected]
●Application form 105KB for FAX

Open Lecture Archives

Contact information

Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategic Organization (Regional Cooperation Division)
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622