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Open Lecture

Implementation Status of Public Courses in 2013


News of recruitment of participants of 2013 public university open lecture, theme course participants (finished)

Course name Details Period, date and time, place Capacity Tuition fees Application
Escort trip
Creating a society with the option of travel

Lecturer: Jou Ogura
(Representative Director and Secretary-General of Sharaku, NPO)
Akiko Niboshi
(NPO Sharaku sub-manager)
1.9MB 12/1
(Reception from 13:30)

Shimonoseki City University
2nd floor of Main Building I-206 Classroom
100 people
(first-come, first-served basis)
Free 12/1
Participation is available on the day

[Open Lectures and Open Classes]

Course name Details Period, date and time, place Capacity Tuition fees Application
[Open Lecture]
Japan as seen from Western Europe

Lecturer: Takahiro Kirihara Associate Professor
139KB 11/6 to 12/4 (5 times in total)
Wednesday (weekly)

Shimonoseki City University
Main Building 3F II Building -301 Classroom
15 people
(first-come, first-served basis)
Free 11/6
Participation is available on the day
[Open Lecture]
What is "Japanese" as a foreign language?

Lecturer: Associate Professor Misaki Shigeta
 ― 12/11

Shimonoseki City University
Main Building 3F II Building -301 Classroom
30 people
(first-come, first-served basis)
Free 12/11
Participation is available on the day
[Open Lecture]
Issues concerning central city area

Lecturer: Associate Professor SUGA Masashi
 ― 11/19

Karato Satellite Campus
30 people
(first-come, first-served basis)
Free 11/19
Participation is available on the day
[Open Lecture]
Modern Shimonoseki and suburban areas

Lecturer: Professor Kenji Kimura
 ― 11/21

Karato Satellite Campus
30 people
(first-come, first-served basis)
Free 11/21
Participation is available on the day
[Open Lecture]
Current Situation of Korean Language Study

Lecturer: Specially Appointed Teacher OH Hyangsun
 ― 11/27

Karato Satellite Campus
30 people
(first-come, first-served basis)
Free 11/27
Participation is available on the day
[Open class]
Culture Comprehensive B: Love 2

Lecturer: Mitsuru Takei, Associate Professor, etc.
13KB 9/30-H26.1/27 (15 times in total)
Monday (weekly)

Shimonoseki City University
Building B -101 Classroom
No Free Required
[Open class]
Regional theory

Lecturer: Associate Professor Daisuke Sotohebo
10KB 9/30-H26.1/27 (15 times in total)
Monday (weekly)

Shimonoseki City University
Building B −203 Classroom
No Free Required

Information on open courses offered in the spring semester of 2013 (finished)

Open Lecture Archives

Contact information

Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategic Organization (Regional Cooperation Division)
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622