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Faculty of Nursing

Department of Nursing

To acquire nursing practice skills to support people, looking forward to 5 and 10 years ahead

In an era where changes are extremely difficult to predict the future, nursing human resources who can act to discover and improve people's health issues are needed. Shimonoseki City University trains nursing professionals who support people living in the Shimonoseki / Kanmon area to live like that person and live healthy and happy, not only in medical institutions and recuperation facilities, but also in places where people live.

Expected course

● Medical institutions
● Administrative organizations (health centers, health centers, etc.)
● A company with a health management office
● Nursing teachers (elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, etc.)
● (midwife training institutions, graduate schools, etc.)

Licenses and qualifications that can be obtained

Acquisition for examination

● Nurse National Examination Qualification
● Qualification for the National Examination for Public Health Nurse (separated by the Public Health Nurse Course)

Qualifications and acquisitions

● One kind of nursing teacher's license ※(Depending on a separate teaching course)
● Two types of nursing teacher's license (application after obtaining a public health nurse's license)
● Type 1 Hygiene Manager's License (application after obtaining a public health nurse's license)

  • You are applying for a teaching profession. However, as a result of the examination by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the scheduled opening date of the teaching profession may be changed.

Policy for Graduation Certification/Diploma Policy

Knowledge and Understanding
  • DP1_As a wide range of education to understand diverse people and their lives, society and culture.
  • Understanding the subjects of DP2_Nursing subjects (individuals, families, groups, and local communities) from a multifaceted perspective, and acquire basic knowledge for practicing appropriate nursing.
Versatile skills
  • High-quality nursing can be practiced based on scientific evidence for the subjects of nursing (individuals, families, groups, and local communities).
  • DP4_ Understand the role of nursing professionals in health care and welfare, and can collaborate and collaborate with multiple occupations.
Attitude andientation
  • DP5_Respect people's lives, dignity, and rights, and act based on ethical standards and sense of mission as a nursing professional.
  • DP6_I have self-improvement ability to enhance their own nursing practice skills.
Integrated learning experience and creative thinking
  • DP7_I can exploit nursing by making good use of information and communication technology.
  • DP8_ Can be creatively thinking from a regional perspective and global perspectives.

Curriculum policy for organizing and implementing curriculum policy

In order to acquire a wide range of culture and to cultivate a foundation for understanding diverse people and their lives, society, and culture, we will arrange basic education courses and liberal arts education courses. Basic education subjects are "foreign language", liberal arts education subjects are "liberal arts" (humanities / social sciences / natural sciences / life / health sciences / human rights / symbiosis), and "Shimo Kwansei Gakuin" by taking a wide range of subjects from all fields, we will cultivate human power that can capture diverse values of the subjects of nursing subjects with a rich heart and flexible mind and can accept diversity.
In order to understand the subjects of nursing (individuals, families, groups, and local communities) from various perspectives and to cultivate the foundation for practicing high-quality nursing based on scientific evidence, the specialized basic education subjects are "structure of the human body. Function I / II", "Clinical pathology", "nutrition and metabolism", and subjects related to the social security system are systematically arranged.
In order to independently practice nursing based on specialized knowledge and scientific thinking, lectures, exercises, and practical training subjects of specialized education subjects will be systematically arranged. Specialized education subjects are composed of five subjects: "Basic nursing", "Clinical nursing", "Child and Family Nursing", "Regional Nursing", and "Integration of Nursing". Courses to learn healthcare as nursing that supports a healthy life regardless of health or unhealthy, such as "Life Stage and Healthcare Introduction I / II", "Pediatric Health Care Methodology I and II", "Adult Health Care Methodology I and II", "Adult Health Care Methodology I and II", etc. "International Health Nursing" will be assigned so that health issues can be considered from a local perspective and a global perspective.
In the on-the-job training, we will cultivate the foundation of the ability to think about the health of local residents by conducting on-the-job training in Shimonoseki and surrounding areas, including "practice to learn about living and the community" . At the end of the third year on-the-job training, in order to understand the specialty of nursing and acquire the ability to cooperate and collaborate with multiple occupations, at the end of the third year on-the-job training "multi-occupation cooperation training" Is placed. In addition, in the fourth year of “Integrated Training”, students develop self-improvement skills to enhance ethical standards and sense of mission as a nursing professional and self-improvement skills to enhance nursing practice skills.
In order to acquire basic knowledge and skills that can properly utilize information and communication technology (ICT) in the field of health and medical welfare, "computer science", "computer utilization I and II" in the subjects of the basic education subject "Information and Mathematical" will be assigned as elective compulsory subjects, and "nursing informatics" will be assigned as specialized basic education subjects. Utilizing these knowledge and skills, we will develop the ability to explore nursing and think creatively through “Introduction to Nursing Research”, “Nursing Research Exercise”, and “Integrated Practical Training”. Furthermore, in order to explore nursing that is important with the expansion of ICT utilization, "Information and Communication Technology and Nursing" will be assigned to specialized education subjects.
Lectures and exercises incorporate a variety of learning methods, including the use of ICT and active learning, depending on the type of class. Gaku Osamu's results are strictly evaluated based on the Diploma Policy and based on the grade evaluation criteria set for each subject. With the introduction of portfolio, students will be visualized and students can self-evaluation.

Educational Curriculum

  1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years
  Health Promotion *
Care ring * 
Nursing Science Overview
Communication theory*
Nuring Career Design *
Life Assistance Technology
Health assessment
Medical Assistance Technology
Nursing process
Nursing management and medical safety
Nursing Ethics
Life Stage and Healthcare Instruction I
Life Stage and Healthcare Instruction II
Adult Healthcare Methodology I
Geriatric Health Care Methodology I
Geriatric Health Care Methodology II
Pediatric Health Care Methodology I
Woman's Health Care Methodology I
Psychiatric Health Care
Mental health care methodology I
Regional and Home Health Care Overview
Community and Home Health Care Methodology I
Introduction to Public Health Nursing
Introduction to Health Behavior Sciences*
Health Behavior Science Methodology*
Public Health and Nursing Activities I**
Adult Healthcare Methodology II
Introduction to Nursing Research
Pediatric Health Care Methodology II
Women's Health Care Methodology II
Psychiatric Healthcare Methodology II
Community and Home Healthcare Methodology II
Comprehensive nursing skills training
Public health nursing activity theory II
Public health nursing activity theory III
School health *
Outline of nursing care *
Health consultation activities *

Cancer nursing
Disaster nursing
Family Nursing
Rehabilitation nursing *
End of Life Care*
Emergency nursing *
Infected nursing *
Nursing the theory of nursing *
Nursing Research Seminar
International Health and Nursing
Health Policy Theory*
Information and Communication Technology and Nursing
Practical training to learn about living and community Basic Nursing Practice I
Basic Nursing Practice II
Adult Health Care Practice I
Adult Health Care Practice II
Geriatric Healthcare Training I
Geriatric Health Care Training II
Pediatric Health Care Training
Women's Health Care Training
Psychiatric Health Care Training
Multidisciplinary collaborative training
Integrated training for nursing
Community and Home Health Care Training
Public Health Nursing Training *
Structure and Function of the Human Body I
Structure and Functions of the Human Body II
Clinical Pathology I
Clinical Pathology II
Startup seminar
Nutrition and Metabolism
Public health
Nursing Informatics
Clinical Pathology III
Clinical Pathology IV
Health, Medical and Welfare Administration
Multidisciplinary collaboration theory
Epidemiological and Health Statistics *  
Social Sciences
Natural Sciences
Life and Health Sciences
Human Rights and Symbiosis
Career Education
Foreign training
Shimoseki Studies
Foreign language
Information and actuarial
First-year education

*Elective subject
※The curriculum is subject to change.
※Liberal Arts Education and Fundamental Education are classified as subject categories.

Overview of Nursing Education Curriculum

Unique Courses in Faculty of Nursing

As a member of the health care team, students learn about the relationship between occupational occupations in a comprehensive community care system centered on patients and users. Beyond the boundaries of training venues (wards and facilities), students will learn about the expertise of various occupations related to people's health, medical welfare, and explore cooperation.

The power to acquire

Faculty of Nursing New School Building

Faculty of Nursing's new school building will include not only lecture rooms but also nursing training rooms and skill s labs. We will introduce simulation education using a number of high-performance simulators. In addition, many seminar rooms and training rooms have been set up to promote independent learning such as group work.