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Shimonoseki City University



#Regional Collaboration

We held a university tour for second-year students at Shimonoseki Secondary School.

On December 10 (Tuesday), 99 second-year students from Yamaguchi Prefectural Shimonoseki Secondary School (second-year junior high school students) visited TUFS.

 Vice President Kan introduced the university, and Professor Department of Public Management Kishimoto Faculty of Economics gave a mock lecture "History of Whaling and Yamaguchi Prefecture", and the students listened eagerly while taking notes.

 At the recent report session by the university students who graduated from the school, after hearing about what the university is, we worked on setting future goals using the Mandala chart, which seemed to be a good stimulus.

 I hope this tour will give you a chance to think about the future of the students.

[Publishing date: 2024.12.12]

Contact information

Admission Department Admission Division, Shimonoseki City University
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL & FAX. 083-254-8611 (directly via Admission Division)
E-Mail.[email protected]