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Shimonoseki City University



#Co-creation salon

The 3rd co-creation salon was held in 2013.

On Wednesday, October 23, the 3rd Co-creation Salon was held in the I-206 classroom of the main building of the university. Associate Professor YANAGI Jun and Associate Professor Makoto Tachibana, who joined OIST in April this year, reported on this occasion. According to YANAGI Jun, "Marketing for Japanese Retailers: Is the inland China Blue Ocean?" -Associate Professor Makoto Tachibana reported on the theme of "Mongolia in East Asia", and there were lively opinions and questions from those who participated. The last 4th Co-creation Salon is scheduled to be held on December 11 (Wednesday). If you were unable to participate this time, please come and visit us next time.


[Date of publication: 2013.10.24]

[Contact] Community co-creation center attached to Shimonoseki City University
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622