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Shimonoseki City University



#Open Lecture

About recruitment of university consortium open lecture students

 The University Consortium Kanmon was established in 2008 by six universities in Kitakyushu City and Shimonoseki City (Kitakyusyu City University, Kyushu Kyoritsu University, Kyushu International University, Shimonoseki City University, Nishinippon Institute of Technology, Baiko Gakuin University) . By cooperating and cooperating with higher education institutions, the aim is to enhance and develop higher education in the Kanmon area and contribute to the local community. TUFS will hold the program as follows in the I-201 classroom of the main building of the university.

Outline of course

Course name: “Regional Issues and Potentials in Shimonoseki”
Lecturer name: In charge of relay type

The aim and theme of the class:
 Various issues in the Shimonoseki area are described in “local industries (1 to 3 times)”, “local education (4 to 6 times)”, “local resources (7 to 9 times)”, “social economy (10 to 12 times)” ”and“ Local communities (13 to 15 times)”. Lectures are given on three themes (three frames) a day for each viewpoint in an omnibus format, and in each session, students will learn about local issues, approaches to issues, research methods, and problem solving methods. Through lectures, students will learn about the possibilities of future development in the Shimonoseki area.

[Lecture Content]

Monday, September 7 1st to 3rd "Regional Industry"   

   Once local development of location companies and utilization measures for local resources (Lecturer Daisuke Sotohebo)
   UIJ turns in Shimonoseki City and surrounding areas (Lecturer YOSHIZU Naoki)
   Three times local environmental policy leaders and cost burden (Lecturer Mt. Fujitani)

Tuesday, September 8 The 4th to 6th "Regional Education"
   Community development with schools (Lecturer AMANO Kaori)
   5 times Care prevention campaign to rejuvenate local elderly people (Lecturer Masashi Ogasawara)
   6th Kanmon Whale Industry Culture History and Challenges and Prospects of Whale Town (Lecturer KISHIMOTO Mitsuhiro)

Wednesday, September 9 7th to 9th "Local Resources"
   7th Shimonoseki (Lecturer: Nobuhiko Aihara)
   8th Shimonoseki in the Meiji period and internationalization at that time (Lecturer Koichi Nishida)
   9th Public University as a local resource (Lecturer Masahiro Nishida)

September 10 (Thu.) The 10th to 12th "Social Economy"
   10 times Industrialization of Kanmon Area and Suzuki Shoten (Lecturer Kenji Kimura)
   The Essence of the Great People (Instructor KAWANO Yuji)
   12 English learning opportunities in the region and the role of local residents (Lecturer Kristen Sullivan)

Friday, September 11 The 13th to 15th “Community”
   Energy Transition and Regional Issues after the 13th 3.11 (Lecturer Toshikazu Yamakawa)
   14 Discussions on community development policies in depopulated and aging areas (Lecturer MIZUTANI Riaki)
   15 Definitions of Regional Revitalization (Lecturer: Kensuke Yoshi)

Schedule: From September 7 (Mon) to September 11 (Fri), 2015

Time: 10:40-16:10 (break time 12:10-13:00)

Location: Shimonoseki City University Main Building I-201 Classroom 

〒751-8510 2-1-1, Shimonoseki City University, Yamaguchi Prefecture Shimonoseki City University
TEL. 083-252-0288

Tuition fee: 5,000 yen 

This course can be taken by the general public as an open lecture. Why don't you take this opportunity to take the course with university students?

For reference, please refer to the flyer of the University Consortium and the syllabus for joint classes.
(For the flyer, you can see the courses offered at other universities.) In addition, the details of the university's course contents are posted on the syllabus. )

 2015 University Consortium Kanmon Open Lecture Flyer (Surface)2015 University Consortium Kanmon Open Lecture Flyer (back side)

2015 University Consortium Kanmon Open Lecture Flyer 1.56MB
University Consortium Kanmon (Shirabas) 14.5KB


Application method

 Please fill in the desired course name and contact information (postal code, address, name, telephone number) and apply by postcard to the University Consortium Executive Office (Kitakyusyu City University) (postmark valid on July 31).
 〒802-8577 4-2-1, Kitagata, Kokuraminami-ku, Kitakyushu-shi
 Kitakyusyu City University Academic Affairs Section 1 “University Consortium Kanmon” Section


[Posting date: 2015.7.2]

 University consortium Kanmon Executive Office
 (Kitakyusyu City University School Affairs Section 1)
 TEL. 093-964-4106