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Shimonoseki City University




Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship To all candidates for appointment in 2017

 The Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship Reservation Recruitment Briefing Session will be held as follows, so please be sure to attend the event.


  Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship Reservation Recruitment Candidates (enrolled in 2017)
  ※Those who have already decided to lend the Japan Student Services Organization scholarship at their high school.

2.Date and time
  Tuesday, April 4, 2017 14:30 to 15:30

  B-303 Classroom (3rd floor of Lecture Building B)

4.Documents to bring
  ①Student ID card (to be distributed at the time of placement test)
  ②“Notice of Decision on Candidates for Academic Scholarship Recruitment Candidates for 2017”
    ※2017 Academic Scholarship Recruitment Candidates ".
    ※Please bring both documents to the school destination and personal storage.
  ③“Document Form for Admission Notification Form” (all filled out)
  ④A copy of the bank account (cover, etc.) (copied on A4 size paper)
    ※Copy the page where you can confirm your bank name, branch name, account number, and account name.
  ⑤“Notice of approval to change the contents of registration of candidates for universities and other scholarship students in 2017”
  ⑥"Determining and changing candidates for university scholarship students in 2017 following the revision of the Type 1 Scholarship System
  ⑦Application documents for special loan scholarships at the time of admission
    (i) Failure to use the Japan Finance Corporation's “National Education Loan” (declaration)
    (ii) Copy of the Japan Finance Corporation's “Application for Loans for Education Loans (Customer's copy)
    (ⅲ) A copy of the notice from the Japan Finance Corporation stating that the loan cannot be made.
   ※⑤⑥⑦Only applicable persons

5.About the first transfer date
The first transfer date varies depending on the timing of submission of the "Notice of Enrollment".

   Date of submission  First transfer date
 1st session  From April 1 to April 8  Friday, April 21
 2nd session  From April 9 to April 24  Tuesday, May 16
 3rd session  From April 25 to May 26  Friday, June 9

[Date of publication: 2017.3.17]

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Academic Affairs Group Student Support Group
TEL. 083-252‐0289 / FAX. 083-252-8099