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2006 Open Lectures Implementation Status

News of citizen seminar in 2006 (finished)

List of citizen seminars in 2006

Introduction to Seminar 1 “Introduction to Philosophy” (Graduate School No. 26)


July 29 *, August 5, 12, 19, 26, September 3 (the schedule has been changed), 9, 17, 23, 30, October 7
 In principle, every Saturday (open on Sunday only on September 3 and 17, and open on September 23 holidays)

*July 29th (Sat) only from 13:00 at the Graduate School No. 26. On this day, there is no parking space due to the open campus. Please use public transportation.


Professor Masahiro Nishida
(A graduate from the Graduate School of Letters, Hiroshima University, the main research theme is Kant Ethics, major book "A La Cart of Anxiety", Nishinihon Shimbun, 2005)

Theme of the seminar

Introduction to "Introduction to Philosophy"
 Those who took a lecture on philosophy when they were a student but didn't understand anything at all, or those who think abstract discussions like philosophy are no use of anything, and those who are convinced that humans can live without philosophy, such as those who are already at the entrance of philosophy. Let's read an easy-to-understand introduction to philosophy.

Seminar 2 Reading Chinese Poetry-Focusing on Poets of "Affection"-(Graduate School No. 27)


July 29 *, August 5, 19, 26, September 2, October 7, 14, 21, November 4, 11, and 25

*July 29th (Sat) only from 13:00 at the Graduate School No. 26. On this day, there is no parking space due to the open campus. Please use public transportation.


Ms. Mitsuru Takei Lecturer
Graduated from the Graduate School of Letters, Hiroshima University, and his main research themes are Chinese literature, Chinese classical literature (especially Chibuchi Akira in the Six Dynasty) and Chinese literature education.

Theme of the seminar

Reading Chinese poems - focusing on poems of "love" -
  How is "love" expressed in Chinese poetry? Even if you say "love" in a bite, the contents vary, such as love for men and women, love for families, friendship, etc. I will read about Chinese poetry with such content while organizing interpretation problems. Let's unravel together the thoughts of the author who is transmitted across time and space.

Seminar 3 Diary of Anne and its surroundings - Thinking about War and Peace (Graduate School No. 26)


July 29 *, August 7, 14, 21, 28, September 4, 11, 25, October 2, 16, and 23
 In principle, every Monday (closed on public holidays)

*July 29th (Sat) only from 13:00 at the Graduate School No. 26. On this day, there is no parking space due to the open campus. Please use public transportation.


Professor Hisayoshi Hiraike
(Graduate Graduate School of Kyushu University, Graduate School of Economics, Main book, Corporate and Innovation, Sogensha, 1991)

Theme of the seminar

Anne's Diary and its surroundings - Thinking about War and Peace
 I visited Frankfurt, Germany, where Anne was formerly born, a camp in the land of demise, a retreat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Basel, Switzerland, where Anne's father Otto lived, and I also met Hanna, a friend of Anne in Israel. I would like to introduce this experience and think about peace.

Contact information

〒751-8510 2-1-1, Shimonoseki City University Research Institute for Industrial and Culture, Shimonoseki City University

TEL: 0832-54-8613

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