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Implementation Status of Open Lecture in 2008

2008 Shimonoseki City University Citizen's University Theme Course

"Creation of Shimonoseki Brand-Know Shimonoseki and Make Shimonoseki"
2nd year plan "Shimonoseki's brand strategy, is this OK?"

As follows, we will hold the 2008 Shimonoseki City University Citizen's University theme lecture "Shimonoseki's brand strategy, Is this OK?" Please join us.

Date and time November 29, 2008 (Sat) 13:00-15:50
Place Sea Maurepas Les 3F "Diamond Room"
Theme Think about "What are the issues that Shimonoseki City should prioritize now and what should be the direction of the approach in order to create an interaction between Blanding in the region and Blanding of products and creating synergies."

Part I 13:00 to 14:40

○Issued I “Reorganization of branding for primary products and Shimonoseki regional brand”
 Hidetsugu Hamada (Professor, Shimonoseki City University)
 Issue II "What is a brand? "The real value of the region that appears by subtraction."
 Mr. Nobuto Tokuge (planning designer, permanent director of Shimonoseki 21st Century Association)
○Special Lecture "Kyoto and Brand (provisional)"
 Mr. Yukie Tsuji (Professor, Otemon Gakuin University)
(10 minutes break)

Part II 14: 50-15:50

○ Panel discussion "Shimonoseki's brand strategy, is this OK?"
 [Panelist] Shinji Tokuge, Hidetsugu Hamada, Yukie Tsuji,
   Minoru Hatano (Director, General Policy Department, Shimonoseki City) and Hiroshi Fukuda (Professor, Fisheries University) (planned)
 [Coordinator] Seiichi Michimori (Director of Regional Co-creation Center, Shimonoseki City University)

[Date of publication: 2008.11.19]

Contact information

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Executive Office Corporate Planning Group Regional Co-creation Group
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-5091