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Open Lecture

Implementation Status of Open Lecture in 2010


Open lectures held in the fall semester of 2010

  Course name Details
1 British History Journey: Part 2 75KB
2 English for job hunting 113KB
3 Overview of Corporate Strategy for Quality 67KB
4 Chinese poems 75KB
5 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 72KB
6 Yamaguchi's history brand "Kanei Treasure" 75KB
7 The swell of parliamentary reform 63KB
8 Read paperback 76KB
9 <Open class> Education Comprehensive G 72KB
10 <Open class> Regional theory 1.5MB

Open course in the spring semester of 2010

  Course name Details
1 One more step in Chinese (reading comprehension and grammar) 83KB
2 One more step in Chinese (pronunciation and conversation) 186KB
3 Life on slopes in Nagasaki City and Kure City and Shimonoseki 75KB
4 Introduction to PCs for beginners 76KB
5 Takasugi Shinsaku and Sakamoto Ryoma 87KB

Open course in the spring semester of 2010

Open Lecture Archives

Contact information

Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategic Organization (Regional Cooperation Division)
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622