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Open Lecture

2017 Shimonoseki City University "Citizens' University Open Lecture"

Notice of recruitment of 2017 Citizen's University Theme Lecture Course

[Citizen's University Theme Course]

Course name Details Date and time and place Capacity Tuition fees Application

"Problems related to the evolution of established regional brands: Using Shimonoseki puffer fish and Akada Tomatoes-"
Many of the branding initiatives are focused on how to achieve that goal, and there is not much consideration from the perspective of what is needed to further evolve products that have already successfully established the brand to a certain extent. Therefore, with the cases of Shimonoseki pufferfish and Akada tomatoes, which represent Shimonoseki, we will discuss and look at the issues, organize individual issues related to Shimonoseki pufferfish and Akada tomatoes, and clarify common issues of established brands. Consider the ideal way of evolutionary brands.

●Speakers (in alphabetical order)
Hideaki Emoto (Chairman of the Akada Facility Division)
Yoshiharu Shiratake (Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University)
Rei Nakamizo (Reporter, Minato Yamaguchi Godo Shimbun Co., Ltd.)
Yoshihiro Yanagawa (former General Manager of the Pharmaceuticals Department, Kyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)
Hiroji Yokoyama (Professor, Shimonoseki City University)

Eiji Hamada (Director of Regional Co-creation Center attached to Shimonoseki City University)


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Shimonoseki City University
Main Building 2F I – 206 classrooms


About 100 people Free



Fill in your address, name (furigana), age, gender, phone number, and affiliation by postcard, mail, fax or e-mail, and contact the Shimonoseki City University Regional Co-creation Center Citizen's University Theme Course Section.
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi
TEL.083-254-8613 / FAX.083-253-1622
E-mail [email protected]
●Application form 87KB for FAX

Notice of recruitment of participants of 2017 Public University Open Lecture (Autumn Semester)

[Open Lecture]

Course name
Details Date and time and place Capacity Tuition fees Application

"Safety" and "Safety" of environmental policy
- Considering environmental risks from soil pollution
Lecturer: Associate Professor SUGA Masashi
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Regarding the relocation of Tsukiji Market, Governor Koike's remarks that "Toyosu is safe, but not safe" became a topic. Not only the Tsukiji problem, but also ensuring "safety" concerning soil contamination has become an important issue. In this course, we will explain "safety" and "safety" of environmental policy, taking soil pollution problems as an example.

Wednesday, October 4

Shimonoseki City University
I-201 classroom on the second floor of the main building

30 people 500 yen

(First-come, first-served basis)
Participation is possible on the day

Basic Chinese
-Introduction to Chinese
Lecturer: Specially Appointed Teacher MA Sokei
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Learn about the basics of Chinese.
1. Chinese pronunciation (1)
2. Chinese pronunciation (2)
3. Chinese pronunciation (3)
4. Chinese pronunciation (4)
5. Chinese beginner grammar and conversation
6. Chinese beginner grammar and conversation
7. Chinese beginner grammar and conversation
8. Chinese beginner grammar and conversation

Friday (8 times in total)

Shimonoseki City University
Classes II-301 on the 3rd floor of the Main Building

30 people 4,000 yen


Japanese and fish food
Lecturer: Professor Hidetsugu Hamada
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Fish away from fish" has been featured in the media and other media, but in fact, the era when Japanese people did not eat fish most was the Meiji period. According to this historical fact, the ongoing fish separation, as reported by the media is not a major problem. The problem is qualitative fish separation and the media is wrong. In the course, we look back on the history of fish food that the Japanese have built up since the Yayoi period, organizes the depth of fish food culture, and examine the relationship between fish food and the principles of behavior and behavioral styles that no one has mentioned. Test.

Tuesday, October 17

Shimonoseki City University
I-201 classroom on the second floor of the main building
30 people 500 yen 10/17
(First-come, first-served basis)
Participation is possible on the day

What is communication?
Lecturer: Professor Hiroji Yokoyama
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In addition to explaining various issues in communication, we will also explain how to communicate in order to avoid fraud.

Thursday, November 2

Shimonoseki City University
I-201 classroom on the second floor of the main building
30 people 500 yen 11/2
(First-come, first-served basis)
Participation is possible on the day

About Abenomics
How far has you been able to overcome deflation?
Lecturer: Associate Professor Hiroji Sugawa
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Already, five years have passed since Abenomics were implemented. As of 2017, of the three arrows, the first and second fiscal monetary policy has come to an appraisal. With both positive and negative evaluations, this course, we would like to try a more cautious explanation of Abenomics, including employment issues.

Wednesday, November 29

Shimonoseki City University
I-201 classroom on the second floor of the main building
30 people 500 yen 11/29
(First-come, first-served basis)
Participation is possible on the day

Scenery of Shimonoseki in the early modern period
-Reading from painting materials and foreigners' Noriyuki Sanfu
Lecturer: Professor Shinichi Sakuragi
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You can see the scenery of Shimonoseki from paintings depicting Shimonoseki in the Edo period and photographs taken at the end of the Tokugawa period. In addition, let's give an overview of the prosperity of Shimonoseki by superimposing the state of Shimonoseki written by foreigners such as Siebold in the Edo Sanfu Noriyuki.


Wednesday, December 13

Shimonoseki City University
I-201 classroom on the second floor of the main building

30 people 500 yen

(First-come, first-served basis)
Participation is possible on the day

  • Date and time are subject to change due to instructor circumstances.

[Open class]

Course name Details Date and time and place Capacity Tuition fees Application

Culture Comprehensive C
Lecturer: AMANO Kaori, etc.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
U.K. chose to leave the EU in a referendum in June 2016 (2016). One of the reasons why the British people wanted to leave the EU until they abandoned their economic benefits was the national sentiment toward "diversity" symbolized by immigrants and refugees. Of course, we humans are diverse people of different races, ethnicities, languages, religions, etc. The society in which human beings make up is also very diverse. However, we are not necessarily easy to accept, and we often try to eliminate such "diversity". There are various types of friction, conflicts, conflicts, and alienation, and alienation.
Therefore, in this course, we will focus on "friction", "confrontation", "conflict" and "exclusion" widely in human society, give an overview of its structure, and try to consider the factors behind it. Being able to understand and respect the "diversity" that you did not know or noticed before will surely expand your worldview and enrich your human relationships.


H29. 9/25~H30. 1/22
Monday (15 times in total)
※Please refer to the following for details.

Shimonoseki City University
A-301 classroom on the 3rd floor of Lecture Block A

10 people (first come, first served)


Deadline as soon as the capacity is reached.

The application has been closed because the capacity has been reached.

(1) 9/25 (Mon.) Lecturer: AMANO Kaori (Associate Professor) Orientation
 Please bring me a syllabus. Review the outline and goals of the class, as well as evaluation methods and criteria, and encourage understanding.
(2) 10/2 (Mon.) Lecturer: Masahiro Nishida (Professor) “Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism”
 The negative effects of globalization are reviving nationalism. Consider cosmopolitanism as one direction to solve problems.
(3) 10/16 (Mon.) Lecturer: Daisuke Sotohebo (Associate Professor) “Ethnics and Immigration and Refugee Issues in Western Europe”
 We will reconsider the issue of immigration and refugee issues in Europe, which is an important theme of the international situation in recent years, from the perspective of European ethnic groups and national states.
(4) 10/23 (Mon.) Lecturer: Yasuharu Furusawa (Professor, Graduate School, Hitotsubashi University) "Multilateral International Cooperation and FTA on Trade Policy"
 Using simple game theory, we will consider the mechanism of cooperative tariff reduction and FTAs (free trade areas).  
(5) 10/30 (Mon) Lecturer: Jiro Okamoto (Professor) "Trade friction and bilateral trade negotiations"
 Focusing on the "Japan-U.S. Structural Consultation," which goes into the business customs and culture of the partner countries, will consider trade friction and bilateral trade negotiations.
(6) 11/6 (Mon) Lecturer: SEKINO Hideaki (Professor) “Poverty and Inequality Structure in Japan”
 Analyze changes in Japanese society, new poverty, and inequality structures that were "integrated" by Japanese management, profit-guiding politics, and universal welfare.
(7) 11/13 (Mon.) Lecturer: Toshikazu Yamakawa (Associate Professor) “The forefront of climate change countermeasures: Political Economics in the Paris Agreement”
 Regarding climate change (global warming) countermeasures, we will discuss various aspects of damage and risks and exploring countermeasures.
(8) Monday, November 20 Lecturer: Yuji Mori (Professor) "Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Investment in ESG Investment"
 This section describes the historical development and current status of ESG investment by investors as a facilitator.
(9) Lecturer: 11/27 (Mon): Masataka Yamamoto (Lecturer) “Diversity Perspective of the Constitution”
 The Constitution is a mechanism for people with diverse values to coexist. I would like to consider diversity in terms of constitutional issues.
(10) 12/4 (Mon) Lecturer: Shinichi Sakuragi (Professor) “Diversity of Currency in History”
 Money, which acts as blood of economic activities, is circulated around the world, albeit of different materials and shapes, and we consider its diversity.
(11) 12/11 (Mon.) Lecturer: Yumiko Tanaka (Associate Professor) “Current Situation and Issues of a Society in which Women play an active role”
 In August 2015, the Law Concerning the Promotion of Women's Participation was enacted in the Diet. Think about what kind of society is a society where women play an active role is.
(12) 12/18 (Mon) Lecturer: Tomoko Shimomura (Associate Professor, Mie University) “Current Situation and Challenges of Society Received“ Diversity ””
 We will introduce Canada as an example of the issues and current situation related to "friction" and "confrontation" that led to the acceptance of "diversity".
(13) 12/25 (Mon.) Lecturer: Yoshio Osada (Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Sangyo Medical University) "Thinking biodiversity from the phenomenon of parasitic"
 I would like to introduce the fun of the unexpectedly unknown parasitic phenomena using parasites and insects as examples.
(14) 1/15 (Mon.) Lecturer: Takayuki Ito (Vice Chairman, Shimonoseki City Toyodacho Tourism Association, Shimonoseki City) "Diversity of the Mind created by Community Development"
 Trust relationship obtained by sharing joy and suffering. What is the "important thing" that fireflies taught?
(15) 1/22 (Mon) Lecturer: KAWANO Yuji (Professor) “Management of Individuality, Confrontation and Diversity”
 Tolerating unique people and allowing unique groups are the challenges of contradictions and harmony, and the key to diversity management.


Fill in the desired course name, address, full name (furigana), age, gender, telephone number, parking required / unnecessary, car number (only for those who wish to park on campus) by postcard, mail, fax, or the following e-mail form. Up to "Shimonoseki City University Community Co-creation Center Citizen's University Open Lecture Section"
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi
TEL.083-254-8613 / FAX.083-253-1622
E-mail [email protected]
●Application form FAX 133KB

Notice of recruitment of 2017 Citizen's University Theme Lecture Course

[Citizen's University Theme Course]

Course name Details Date and time and place Capacity Tuition fees Application

"Understanding food poisoning such as Anisakis"

Purpose: It is said that about 7,000 anisakis food poisoning caused by raw food such as horse mackerel and mackerel, and there is concern about "reputational damage" to sashimi without correct knowledge. How should consumers deal with in order to prevent Anisakis food poisoning and to ensure that citizens can eat sashimi and other foods with peace of mind without being influenced by reputation? Since it is also a time when food poisoning occurs frequently, we will invite market participants to participate and hold an emergency citizen university course on the theme of preventing food poisoning, such as introducing the analysis results of 97 human anisakis disease.

●Tetsuya Kono (Chief of Shimonoseki City Shimonoseki Health Center Food Sanitation Section) ※The instructor has been changed due to circumstances.
●Atsushi Yamamoto (Professor, Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University)


Wednesday, July 5

Large conference room on the 2nd floor of Karato-ichiba
(5-50 Karatodo-cho, Shimonoseki-shi)

About 70 people Free



Fill in your address, name (furigana), age, gender, phone number, and affiliation by postcard, mail, fax or e-mail, and contact the Shimonoseki City University Regional Co-creation Center Citizen's University Theme Course Section.
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi
TEL.083-254-8613 / FAX.083-253-1622
●Application form 84KB for fax

Announcement of recruitment of 2017 Citizen's University Open Lecture (Spring semester)

[Open Lecture]

Course name
Details Date and time and place Capacity Tuition fees Application

NPO management
~ What is everyone worried about?
Lecturer: Prof. KAWANO Yuji Shimonoseki City University
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Consider the governance system unique to non-profit organizations and consider measures unique to non-profit organizations.

Thursday, May 25

Shimonoseki City University
I-201 classroom on the second floor of the main building

30 people 500 yen

Participation is possible on the day

Motivation and Mechanisms of Depreciation
-With Olympus
Lecturer: ADACHI Shunsuke, Associate Professor, Shimonoseki City University
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This section explains the motives and mechanism of decorative accounting in an easy-to-understand manner, focusing on accounting fraud of Olympus.

Wednesday, May 31

Shimonoseki City University
I-201 classroom on the second floor of the main building

30 people 500 yen

Participation is possible on the day

Sociology of the difficulty of living
-Thinking from criminals and suicides
Lecturer: Yusai Yoshitake Lecturer, Fukuoka Prefectural University
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In living, people experience various difficulties in living. For example, human relations, isolation, illness, minority issues, and economic problems, which can lead to crime and suicide. In this course, we will focus on how sociology has dealt with difficulties in living, examples of crime and suicide, and give lectures on the relationship between society and individuals.


Tuesday, June 27

Shimonoseki City University
I-201 classroom on the second floor of the main building

30 people 500 yen

Participation is possible on the day

  • The date and time are subject to change due to the instructor's convenience.


Fill in the desired course name, address, full name (furigana), age, gender, telephone number, parking required / unnecessary, car number (only for those who wish to park on campus) by postcard, mail, fax, or the following e-mail form. Up to "Shimonoseki City University Community Co-creation Center Citizen's University Open Lecture Section"
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi
TEL.083-254-8613 / FAX.083-253-1622
●Application form 105KB for FAX

Open Lecture Archives

Contact information

Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategic Organization (Regional Cooperation Division)
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622