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Open Lecture

2021 Shimonoseki City University “Citizen's University Open Lecture”

Notice of recruitment of participants of the 2021 Public University Open Lecture (Autumn Semester) (Online)

※The course will be held as an online event and will be recruited. (Use Zoom)

If you are new to use Zoom, please take this opportunity to join us.
(It is an application that uses video (video) and audio to enable communication with distant people using video (video) and audio as in video conferences.)
You will not be able to attend the university and take the course, but you can watch it at home, etc. using a computer or tablet.

Please click the URL below to apply. (Recommended)

Course name
Date and time and place Capacity Tuition fees Application
Children and Education of immigrants in the Age of Globalization
~ Examples of initiatives at elementary schools in Hong Kong
Lecturer: ISHIKAWA Tomoko
Shimonoseki City University
Specially Appointed Professor, Urban Mirai Creation Strategy Organization

 In the age of globalization, various initiatives are being carried out in countries around the world regarding the education of immigrant children. In this course, we will share what kind of efforts are being made to correct academic disparities at public elementary schools in Hong Kong, where many immigrant children attend. I will talk about what we learned from interviews with principals, teachers and parents from the standpoint of educational sociology. Based on the case in Hong Kong, I would like to discuss with you about the ideal way of education for foreign children to connect to foreign countries in Japan.
Tuesday, October 26

Online holding
Zoom will be used (you can watch at home, etc., not viewing at OIST.)
30 people Free
(However, please pay the communication fee for viewing by yourself.)
(First-come, first-served basis)
Considering GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
Is it a monolith that measures the "goodness" of society?
Lecturer: ISOGAI Akinori
Professor, Faculty of Economics, Shimonoseki City University

 Let's start with what GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is, and consider whether it can be said to be an index that measures the "goodness" and "richness" of society. If there is an indicator that could be substituted for GDP, what would it be? After discussing these issues, if the GDP index is still effective, I would also consider what challenges are required for the statistical indicators of GDP now.
Tuesday, November 9

Online holding
Zoom will be used (you can watch at home, etc., not viewing at OIST.)
30 people Free
(However, please pay the communication fee for viewing by yourself.)
11/ 2
(first-come, first-served basis)


Please apply from the above URL. (Recommended)

When applying by mail, postcard, or fax, fill in the desired course name, address, full name (furigana), age, e-mail address (please fill in), daytime contact information (mobile phone, etc.), Until "Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategy Organization Regional Cooperation Division Citizen's University Open Lecture Section "
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi
TEL.083-254-8613 / FAX.083-253-1622
E-mail [email protected]
●Application form 110KB for FAX

Notice of recruitment of participants of the 2021 Public University Open Lecture (Spring Semester) (Online)

※In order to prevent the spread of infection, COVID-19 will be held online and will recruit participants.

Zoom(*) is used. If you are new to use Zoom, please take this opportunity to join us.
(* This is an application that allows you to communicate with distant people using video (videos) and audio similar to video conferencing.)
You will not be able to attend the university and take the course, but you can watch it at home, etc. using a computer or tablet.

[Application] Please click the URL below to apply. (Recommended)

[Open lectures (online held online)]

Course name
Date and time and place Capacity Tuition fees Application
Kant's German expression
-About the language characteristics of respect for human beings
Lecturer: Professor Takahiro Kirihara, Professor, Shimonoseki City University

 Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)'s philosophy of "Würde der person" (Würde der person) is based on the philosophy of Article 1, Paragraph 1 of the Basic Law of Germany (Die Würde desschen ist unantastbar), and it has become a philosophical base of respect for human rights. By extracting Kant's German sentences from the parts where this thought was described ("Based on the basis of Metaphysics of Human Ethics, 1785) and other related texts, and analyzing its characteristics (sound, vocabulary, sentence style, etc.) I try to describe the character of Kant philosophy.

Thursday, June 24

Online holding
Zoom will be used (you can watch at home, etc., not viewing at OIST.)
30 people Free
(However, please pay the communication fee for viewing by yourself.)
(first-come, first-served basis)
Sociology of Renewable Energy
~ Considering the case of small hydropower in rural areas

Lecturer: Junko Fukumoto Lecturer, Fukuoka Prefectural University

 In recent years, power generation using renewable energy has been increasing due to various social backgrounds. In this course, we will sociologically consider the possibilities and challenges of renewable energy in rural areas, with an overview of the historical background, using small hydroelectric power generation in rural areas.
Thursday, July 8

Online holding
Zoom will be used (you can watch at home, etc., not viewing at OIST.)
30 people Free
(However, please pay the communication fee for viewing by yourself.)
(First-come, first-served basis)

Open Lecture Archives

Contact information

Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategic Organization (Regional Cooperation Division)
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622