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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details



Organization for Liberal Arts Education Special Needs Education Vocational Course
Director Organization for Liberal Arts Education and Special Needs Education Vocational Course

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

School clinical psychology, teacher education

Subjects in charge

Academic literacy, teaching theory, teaching methodology (including ICT utilization), teaching practice exercises (middle and high school), Diversity Education Practice Research III, etc.

Educational background

Graduated from Seisa University, Graduate School of Education  
Graduate School of Human Social Sciences, Hiroshima University

Acquisition degree

Master's (Education)

Affiliated Society

Japan Society for School Education Counseling, Japan Peer Support Society, Japan Educational Psychological Society
Japan Educational Counseling Association, Japan Society of Kyodo Education, Waseda University Inclusive Education Society

Research Keywords

Formation of student guidance competencies, teacher proficiency, comprehensive student guidance, teacher training
Peer support, UDL, PBIS, collaborative learning, school refusal and bullying

Current research theme

We are conducting "teacher proficiency research" to explore the factors necessary for teachers who have the real ability to respond to school refusal, bullying, violence, class collapse, etc. We are also conducting research on the collaborative system of teachers from a leadership perspective.
・Study on Effective Teacher Training in Comprehensive Student Guidance
・Study on the effects of teachers' self-understanding and others' understanding of cooperative learning on mutually beneficial interdependence and the way teachers' teaching behavior
・Study on class design and teacher awareness that motivate children to learn

Major Research Results and Activities

・NAKABAYASHI Hiroko, Yohei Okibayashi, Shinji Kurihara, “Impact of Teacher Training with Comprehensive Student Guidance on Teacher Effectiveness and Meta-Recognition” Peer Support Studies, 16. 1-11,2020
・NAKABAYASHI Hiroko, Shinji Kurihara, “One Consideration on the Transformation of Children through UDL-based Class Improvements Based on UDL” Learning and Development Studies, 14. 75-83,2022
・Edited by Shinji Kurihara, "Multi-Level Approach MLA: Creating a School Where Everyone Who Want to Go: Theory and Practice of Comprehensive Student Guidance," Chapter 2 6, 7,68-80, Honomori Publishing, 2017
・Edited by Nobuhiko Aizawa, et al., "Prevention and response to school refusal" Chapter 9 Peer Support 142-145, Book Bunkasha, 2020


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