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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details

MA Sokei

MA Sokei

Organization for Liberal Arts Education
Associate Professor

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Chinese education, comparative culture between Japan and China, tea culture in Japan

Subjects in charge

Chinese and Chinese language training

Educational background

Graduated from Kyushu University Graduate School of Comparative Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University in 2003
2006 Graduate School of Comparative Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University
Completed doctoral program at Nagasaki University Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences in 2015.

Acquisition degree

Ph.D. (Academic)

Affiliated Society

Chinese Society for Education, Kyushu Chinese Society, Japanese and Chinese Comparative Literature Society, Toa Chinese Society Study Group

Research Keywords

Current research theme

Study of teaching methods for Chinese learners
Research on the history of sencha in Japan (mainly on relations with Shoko)

Major Research Results and Activities

・(Co-authored, Higher Education Publishing Company, 2014)
・"Urgent Chinese Language" (co-author, Higher Education Publisher, 2014)
・"Fromcha? Native Chinese tea culture in Japan? Sprinkling? Exhibition" ("Agricultural Archeology Chinese Tea Cultural College, 5th Jiangxi College of Social Sciences, May 2013)
・"One Consideration on the Tea-O's Tea-Blank Period until the opening of Kyoto Tsusentei-" ("Toa Kangaku Studies, No. 4, May 2014)
・“Trial Chinese Classes incorporating Tasks” (Chinese Language Education, No. 12, Japan Society for Chinese Language Education, March 2014)


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