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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details

Naotaka Watanabe


Faculty of Economics Department of Public Management Organization for Liberal Arts Education

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Clinical psychology, Community Psychology

Subjects in charge

Introduction to Psychology, general psychology, educational counseling, communication psychology, etc.

Educational background

Department of Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of International Culture, Kyushu Sangyo University

Acquisition degree

Graduate School of Science (Counseling Research), Master's Program at Capella University, USA

Affiliated Society

Japan Society for Community Research and Action (U.S. Community Psychology Society), Japan Stress Management Society, Japan Stress Management Society, Japan Global Human Resource Development Education Society, Kyushu Psychological Society, Kyushu Clinical Psychological Society

Research Keywords

Current research theme

Self-help group research, multicultural education

Major Research Results and Activities

・“Resource at Hand: A Case Study of Client’s Creativity and Narrative Development” (Japanese). March 2016, Miyazaki Gakuen Junior College Research Bulletin Paper 8, pp.165-179.
・Study of picture books that promote the development of children's mind and body through learning and information exchange-Educational Psychological Perspectives of Picture Book Mini Vibrio Battle Practice- March 2017, Miyazaki Gakuen Junior College Research Bulletin Article 9,pp. 180-188.
・Basic Survey on Stress Management Support for Childcare Apprentices: Moment Survey and Changes in Stress Coping before and after Practical Training Using POMS2-, March 2017, Miyazaki Gakuen Junior College Research Bulletin 9, pp.39-51.
・Qualitative research on the educational effects of short-term study abroad - Focusing on descriptions of the learning process of intercultural experience---, March 2018, Baiko Gakuin University 12, pp.33-44.
・Portfolio utilization of JAOS Study Abroad Assessment, December 2018, Baiko Gakuin University's Future Studies 13,83-91.
・The Challenges of Multicultural Education in Global Human Resource Development - "Cultural Model of Disability" and Community Learning Processes, December 2019, Baiko Gakuin University 14, pp.35-51.

Class seminar

My seminar

From the psychological standpoint of community, I have been conducting practical activities in the field of welfare, medical care, and health administration. We will share the perspective of the minority toward the world and the experience of trying to create contact points between different people, which have gained from the work of child guidance centers and psychiatric hospitals, and exchange opinions on creating a community that is tolerant to diverse cultures .


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