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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details

SATO Takashi

SATO Takashi

Faculty of Economics Department of Economics Graduate School Graduate School of Economics

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Industrial Organizationalism, Economics of Social Welfare (Family Economics)

Subjects in charge

Industrial Organization Theory I and II, Econometrics I and II, Specialized Exercises I and II, Basic Seminars

Educational background

1988. Graduated from Nagoya University Graduate School of Graduate School of Economics
1991. 3 Graduate School of Social Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University

Acquisition degree

Master of Economics

Affiliated Society

Japanese Economic Association, Japan Society of Monetary Economics, Japan Society of Monetary Economics, Japan Applied Society of Economics, Chugoku and Shikoku Business and Economics Association

Research Keywords

Current research theme

[Industrial organization theory]
The main research theme is theoretical industrial organization theory that applies game theory. We are elucidating the mechanisms of industrial development, taking into account how strategic actions by companies and government policies affect the development and evolution of the industry.
[Economics of Social Welfare (Family Economics)]
Based on the economics of the family, we are working on elucidating various welfare issues from an economic perspective. For example, we have created a model that determines the number of births endogenously in relation to heritage motives, and have considered the problem of declining birthrate. In the future, I would like to elucidate social welfare issues in the context of the community and family.

Major Research Results and Activities

1.On Cournot-Bertrand Mixed Duopolies, Japanese Economic Review, 1996, vol.47, No.4, pp.412-420.
2.Government transfers and Smaritan’s dilemma in the family, Public Choice, 2004, vol.118, pp.77-86. (with R. Futagami and K. Kamada)
3.Bequest Motives and Fertility Decisions, Economics Letters, 2006, vol.92, pp.348-352. (with R. Futagami and K. Kamada)
4.Altruism, Environment Externality and Fertility, Discussion Paper Series, No.0607, Institute of Economics, Chukyo University, 2006. (with M.Hirazawa and K. Kamada)
5.Altruism, Liquidity Constraint and Education Investment, Discussion Paper Series, No.0803, Institute of Economics, Chukyo Univerty, pp.1-31, 2008. 8.(with Ihori,T and K. Kamada)
6."Impact of public pensions and long-term care insurance on interdependence between parents and children-analysis taking into account the choice of residence-": Fiscal 2007-20 Grant for Scientific Research (C) (Project No.: 19600002), June 2009 (co-authored with Mr. Kamada)
7.Chapter 5, “Mechanisms of Dependence and Competition” centered on wholesalers, “Shinnoseki Fugu's Brand Economics I”, edited by Hidetsugu Hamada, pp. 61-69 September 2009
8.“The Significance and Limitations of Antimonopoly Law Concerning Low Price Settings: From the Perspective of Industrial Organizations”, Kyushu Law Association Bulletin, pp.67-71, 2010
9.“Theoretical considerations in the Transforming Fugu Distribution Market: Comparison between Market Trading and Non-market Trading” by Hidetsugu Hamada, “The Brand Economics of Shimonoseki Pufferfish II” Tsukuba Shobo, Chapter 5, pp. 86-104,2012.
10.Existence and Uniqueness of Nash Equilibrium in Aggregative Games: An Expository Treatment, Pierre von Mouche and Federico Quartieri ed.
Equilibrium Theory for Cournot Oligopolies and Related Games,Chapter 3, pp.47-61, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016. (with R.Cornes)
11.“Comparison of the optimal distributed shipping strategy based on simulation model and backup (Yarigatake) shipping pattern”, Hidetsugu Hamada, “Regeneration of Miyagi Ginzafish Farming Area: Toward New Production Center Management-” Fisheries Promotion, No. 580 (Vol. 50, No. 4) pp.71-83, 2016
12.Altruism, Liquidity Constraint and Investment in Education, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 19, Issue 2, pp.409-425, 2017.(with T.Ihori and K.Kamada)
13.On Cournot Equilibria Uniqueness: at 0 Discontinuous Industry Revenue and Decreasing Price Flexibility, International Game Theory Review, 2019, 21, issue 2, pp.1-19. (with Pierre von Mouche)
14.Altruism, Environment Externality and Fertility. Environment and Development Economics, Vol. 24, Issue 3, pp.317-338, 2019. (with Makoto Hirazawa and Kimiyoshi Kamada)

Class seminar

My seminar

A.The goal is to take up various issues related to corporate strategy as case studies, and to learn concrete corporate strategies. We take up strategic issues that have actually occurred in companies, and discuss how companies should address them, and explore the ideal way of corporate strategies.
B.Learn behavioral economics, which have made remarkable progress in recent years. Through experimental observations of living humans (humans), we will consider what actions are taken in reality, and through this, we aim to rebuild economics.


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