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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details

ISHII Ryosuke

ISHII Ryosuke

Faculty of Economics Department of Economics Graduate School Graduate School of Economics
Associate Professor

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Microeconomics, Game Theory

Subjects in charge

Microeconomics I and II, Economic Mathematics, Economics of Information Sciences, Basic Seminars, Development Exercises, Specialized Exercises I

Educational background

Graduated from Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University

Acquisition degree

Ph.D. (Economics)

Affiliated Society

Japanese Economic Association

Research Keywords

Current research theme


Major Research Results and Activities

・Dynamic Commitment Games, Efficiency and Coordination. (with Rohan Dutta) Journal of Economic Theory, (2016), 163, pp. 699-727.
・Early Competition on Discount Tickets. (with Kuninori Nakagawa) Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, (2015), 49(2), pp. 219-235.
・Edited by Hajime Hori, Takashi Kunimoto, Naoki Watanabe, "Microeconomics of Organizations and Institutions," Kyoto University Academic Press, 2015, Chapter 4 (pp. 91-119), Chapter 9 (pp. 245-272).
・Concentrated Equilibrium and Intraday Patterns in Financial Markets. (with Katsumasa Nishide) Applied Mathematical Finance, (2013), 20(1), pp. 50-68
・Optimal Execution in a Market with Small Investors. Applied Mathematical Finance, (2010), 17(5), pp. 431-451.

Class seminar

My seminar

Thinking logically

He acquires knowledge of game theory in Experiment I, and write a graduation thesis by applying it to the field of interest in specialized exercise II.


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