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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details



Faculty of Economics Department of International Commerce Graduate School Graduate School of Economics

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Corporate Finance, Banking Systems, Payment Systems, and Payment Systems

Subjects in charge

Financial Studies I and II, Financial System Theory, Fundamental Exercises I and II, Financial and Economic Studies I and II

Educational background

Graduated from Waseda University Graduate School of Finance

Acquisition degree

Master's (Finance)

Affiliated Society

Japan Society of Monetary Economics, Japan Finance Society, Japan Finance Research Institute, Japan Management and Finance

Research Keywords

Current research theme

I am researching new financing methods for startups and venture companies from the perspective of whether they are promoting innovation. Our research theme is also focused on cashless payments and factors for use.

Major Research Results and Activities

・Co-authored "Pathology and Precautions of Financial Business: Perspective of Re-Designment of Incentive Structure", 2013 Financial and Fiscal Conditions Study Group
・Co-authored "Theory and Practice of Valuation" 2021 Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc.
・“Future Direction of Payment Services Related Business” April 1995, Japan Bankers Association, “Financial” 577, pp.40-49.
・“Japan Version Big Bang and Bank Management” March 1998 Japan Bankers Association Financial Affairs No. 612, pp.14-25.
・“Commerciality and Challenges of Capital Securities Responding to Basel Regulations,” July 2017 Securities Analyst Journal, Vol. 55, No.7, pp.52-63.
・Co-authored "Analysis of New Equity Finance in Japan: Alternatively Allocation of Capital Increase by Third-Party Allotment of Stock Acquisition Rights by Third-Party Allotment of Stock Acquisition Rights" March 2019 Waseda International Management Study, No. 50, pp.27-62.
・“The Role of Social Capital in the Sharing Economy: Response to Information Asymmetry Issues Using Flea Market Apps Using General Trust and Social Networks” March 2019, Showa Women's University Bulletin of Contemporary Business, Showa Women's University
・Co-authored "New Finance Methods for Startup Companies: Finance that Does Not Evaluate Corporate Value and Information Production" March 2020 Waseda International Management Study, No. 51, pp. 41-69.
・“Progress and Usage Factors in Cashless Payments Using Smartphones” March 2022 Bulletin of Research Institute for Contemporary Business, Showa Women's University
・“Analysis on the Use of Funds for MS Warrants: Finance for R&D-type Venture Companies” June 2023 Securities Economic Research No. 122, pp.83-98.

Class seminar

My seminar

Financial theory

Students will develop the ability to explore research themes, conduct research and analysis on a wide range of topics related to finance and finance, as well as develop practical skills in business. Through the practice of group work related to stock investment and corporate analysis, and training that enables us to conduct empirical analysis using data, we aim to understand the theoretical fundamentals of finance, organize our own ideas based on evidence, and provide easy-to-understand explanations to others.

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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