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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details



Faculty of Economics Department of International Commerce
Associate Professor

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Distribution theory

Subjects in charge

Introduction to business administration, distribution theory, distribution policy, basic exercises, specialized exercises I and II

Educational background

Graduate School of Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya City University

Acquisition degree

Ph.D. (Economics)

Affiliated Society

Japan Society of Corporate Management, Corporate Research Forum, Organizational Society of Corporate Management, Japan Society of Small and Medium Enterprises

Research Keywords

Business system

Current research theme

Research on inter-organizational relationships in the food industry supply chain

Major Research Results and Activities

“Analysis of Transaction System in Regional Industries” Corporate Management Research No.19. pp.47-60. 2016

Corporate Management Research No. 22, pp.47-61, 2019, “Strategy for Creating Relationships in Local Industry-Examples of Distribution System in Nishio Matcha Producing Area in Aichi Prefecture” Corporate Management Research No. 22, pp.47-61, 2019

“Distribution Strategy for Nishio Matcha Producing Area in Aichi Prefecture” (co-authored) “Innovation and Distribution Strategy for Local Industry”, Chikura Shobo, pp.83-100, 2020

The Function of Network-Style Transactions in Local Japanese Industry: A Case Study of the Plum Industry in the Minabe-Tanabe Region of Wakayama, Kindai Management Review Vol.9, pp.92-104, 2021.

"Management Philosophy and Strategy - Management of Management Strategy" (co-authored) "Contemporary Corporate Management", Sangaku Publishing, pp. 355-52, 2021

Class seminar

My seminar

Seminars related to distribution systems and business systems

In this exercise, we will focus on the business structure of the business in which products and services are delivered to customers. We aim to find research themes of interest and to be able to analyze corporate activities using concepts (keywords) of business administration. After reporting and discussion, we will finally finish the graduation thesis.

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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