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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details



Faculty of Economics Department of International Commerce

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Civil Code

Subjects in charge

Civil Code General, Property Law, Receivables Law, Consumer Law, Basic Exercises

Educational background

1996 Graduate School of Law, Dokkyo University

Acquisition degree

Ph.D. (Law) [Hiroshima University]

Affiliated Society

Japan Private Law Society, Comparative Law Association, Japan Consumer Law Association, Japan Consumer Law Association, China Branch Study Group, Japan
Japan Adult Guardian Law Association, etc.

Research Keywords

Current research theme

"Basic theories of proxy"
A proxy is a system for expressing intentions made by an agent for the principal. We are conducting research on various issues related to the agency system using academic theories historical methods.

Major Research Results and Activities


“Study on the abuse of proxy rights” (Shinzansha, December 2018)

Papers, etc.

・Hiroshi Mizumoto, edited by Hiroshi Mizumoto, Kazuo Hirai, History of Japanese Civil Codes, p. 41-98 (Shinzansha, April 1997)
・Toshio Tsubaki, edited by Susumu Ito, "Research on behalf of the Legal Configuration of Representations," edited by Toshio Tsubaki, Susumu Ito, edited by Susumu Ito, edited by Susumu Ito, edited by Susumu Ito, et al.
・“Memorandum of Understanding on the Examination of the Clear Culture of“ abuse of proxy rights ”in Amendment to the Civil Code (Receivables)” Gen Shimizu, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Hajime Yamada, “New Trends in the Property Law, Dr. Kazuo Hirai, Kiju Memorial,” 601-636 (Shinzansha, March 2012)
・“Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Abuse of Age Guardians”, Dr. Akira Murata 60th Birthday Commemorative Thesis Collection of Modern Law and Law System,” p. 47-62 (Sakai Shoten, Ikuei-do, December 2014)
・“<Research Report> Theory of Abuse of Proxy: Within the case of omission of supervisory measures by the individual” (Private Law of Japan, April 2014) or above.

Class seminar

My seminar

We aim to develop basic skills in civil engineering by examining theories and precedents in civil law.


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