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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details

MURATA Kazuhiro

MURATA Kazuhiro

Faculty of Economics Department of International Commerce Graduate School Graduate School of Economics
Faculty of Economics Vice Dean

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

History of Business Administration, Economics

Subjects in charge

Management theory, management organization theory, economic history, basic exercises, specialized exercises

Educational background

Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hiroshima University
Graduated from Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu Sangyo University

Acquisition degree

Ph.D. (Economics)

Affiliated Society

Japan Society of Corporate Management, Historical Society of Economics, Economics, Society of Economics, Economic Education Society, Kyushu Society of Economics

Research Keywords

History of Business Administration, Economics, Classical Economics, and British Business Administration

Current research theme

I am studying the history of business administration in England from the late 18th century to the early 20th century.

Major Research Results and Activities

・MURATA Kazuhiro, 2023, "J. S. Mill's Association: From the Perspective of Management Organization", "The History of Economics," Vol. 65, No.1
・MURATA Kazuhiro, 2021, "Effects and Impacts of Machinery in the 19th Century U.K.: Theory of Babadge, Jua, and Mill'", edited by the Society of Business Administration, "The Transition of the Concept of Technology in Business Administration: Towards the Age of AI," Bunshindo
・MURATA Kazuhiro and 3 others, 2018, "Authoritude and Culture-specific Actions in Chinese Corporate Organizations", Tokyo Book Publishing
・MURATA Kazuhiro, 2010, "The History of Management Philosophy of the 19th Century: C. Babadge, J. Montgomery, A. Jua, and J.S. Mille", Gogensha
・MURATA Kazuhiro, 2009, "Management Learning from the Fundamentals," Gogensha
・MURATA Kazuhiro, 2005, "Management: Academic Theory, Theory, Institutions, and History," Gogensha

Consignment of Scientific Research Expenses

1.Scientific Research Fund, Young Researchers (B), "History of Management Theory of the First Half of the 19th Century: Focusing on A. Yua", Research Representative, Research Representative, FY13-14
2.Funds for Scientific Research, "Research on the History of Business Administration in England in the First Half of the 19th Century", Research Representative, Research Representative, 2005-1919
3.Scientific Research Fund, Fundamental Research (C), "Corporate Image of British Classical Economics and its Management Theoretical Considerations", Research Representative, FY2010-2013-2013
4.Scientific Research Fund, Fundamental Research (C), "Impact of authoritative gradients on Autonomous Labor in Corporate Organizations: Comparison of Japanese and Chinese Enterprises", Collaborative Researchers, FY2012-FY26
5.Scientific Research Fund, Fundamental Research (C), "Research on British Classical Economics by Management Resources Approach", Research Representative, FY2014-FY30
6.Scientific Research Fund, Fundamental Research (C), "Study on Culture-specific behaviors and awareness of employees in Chinese corporate organizations," Collaborative Researchers, FY27-FY29

Others (lectures, appearances, committee members, etc.)

・roadside rest area Firefly Road, Toyodacho, Shimonoseki City Designated Management Candidate Selection Committee Member, 2014
・Shimonoseki City Designated Management Candidate Selection Committee (Kikukawa General Exchange Terminal) Member, 2015

Class seminar

My seminar

Business management theory

At the seminar on business management theory, we are deepening discussions focusing on management strategy theory and motivation theory.

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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