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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details



Faculty of Economics Department of International Commerce Graduate School Graduate School of Economics

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Marketing, International Marketing, Retail Management

Subjects in charge

General of Commerce, Marketing Theory I and II, International Marketing Studies, Special Seminars I and II

Educational background

Completed doctoral program, Saga University

Acquisition degree

Ph.D. (Academic)

Affiliated Society

Japan Society of Commerce, Japan Distribution Society, Japan Consumer Affairs Society of Economics, Japan Marketing Society, Practical Management Association, Nihon Sangyo Science Society

Research Keywords

Japanese retail companies, international marketing, overseas expansion, withdrawal from overseas

Current research theme

“Research on Overseas Opening of Japanese Retail Companies”
In recent years, the localization of sales of products and services has become one of the key keywords for retail stores overseas. Although this study contains old and new themes, we aim to elucidate the marketing of retail companies that affect the region.

Major Research Results and Activities

・YANAGI Jun Process of Opening Japanese Convenience Stores in China, Fumihiko Abe, Tadayasu Iwanaga, and Shiro Uno, edited by Shigeo Nakatomi, Fumihiko Abe, Tadayasu Iwanaga, and Shiro Uno, 2007.
・YANAGI Jun "The Characteristics and Internationalization of Taiwan Retail Structure", supervised by Tadayasu Iwanaga, edited by Tomihiro Katayama, Hiroki Nishijima and Takuro Miyazaki, "The Current Stage of Distribution Internationalization Research," Doyukan, 2009, pp. 203-227.
・YANAGI Jun "Automotive Marketing," edited by Tadayasu Iwanaga, "Theory and Practice of Marketing," Gogensha, 2012, pages 139-156.
・YANAGI Jun "Internationalization of Commerce", supervised by Tadayasu Iwanaga, edited by Hiroki Nishijima, Tomihiro Katayama, and Tadayasu Iwanaga, "Basic Theory of Contemporary Distribution," Gogensha, 2013, p. 87-103.
・YANAGI Jun, "Process and Business Types of Japanese Retailers in Taiwan," Fumihiko Hirano, "Management of Management Development," Sakuramon Shobo, 2015, pp. 57-67.
・YANAGI Jun, “Local Adaptation as Small and Medium Enterprise Marketing,” Michio Tanaka, Yoshiaki Shiraishi, Tatsuaki Minakata, and Akimitsu Hirota, Composition of Small and Medium Enterprise Marketing, Tachi Publishing, 2016, pages 65-78.
・"Theory, Strategy and Structures in Asia and Europe: Theory, Strategy, and Structure," YANAGI Jun, edited by Tadayasu Iwanaga, edited by Tomihiro Katayama, Hiroki Nishijima, Takuro Miyazaki, and YANAGI Jun.
・YANAGI Jun, "The History and Significance of Japanese Retailers in Asia," YANAGI Jun Tatsuro Toba, edited by Japanese Retailers in Asia," Chuo Keizai, pp. 68-85.
・YANAGI Jun, "International Marketing of Japanese Retailers," Tachi Publishing, 2022.

・YANAGI Jun, “One Consideration on Transfer of Management Resources in Retail: Using the Taiwan Market,” “Practical Management,” (edited by the Society of Practical Management), No. 45, September 2008, pages 163-16167.
・YANAGI Jun, "Taiwan Retail Structure and Local Entry of Japanese Retail Companies," Nihon Sangyo Science Society, No. 16, March 2011, pages 109-113.
・YANAGI Jun, "The Overseas Expansion and Strategy of Japanese Retailers," Saga University Economic Studies, Vol. 45, No. 1, April 2012, pages 193-218.
・YANAGI Jun, “Strategy of Japanese Retailers in Inland China: Using Heiwado as an example”, Nihon Sangyo Science Society Research Institute, No.18, March 2013, pages 111 to 115.
・YANAGI Jun, "Research on Overseas Withdrawal of Retail Companies and The Challenges," "Consumer Economics Research," No. 8, June 2019, pages 145-154.
・YANAGI Jun, Rethinking International Marketing of Japanese Retailers, Shimonoseki City University, Vol. 65, No. 2, December 2021, p. 83-102

Consignment of Scientific Research Expenses

1.KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (2) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (2)) "Research on the Impact of Supply Chain Formation on Regional Distribution System" (Research Category)
2.The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) (FY16-2018) "Research on the Impact of Changes in Globalization Strategy of Retailing Retail Business with Foreign Currency" (Research on Regional Distribution Structure).
3.The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan (MEXT) in FY2007-2009 (FY2021) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Globalization and Transformation of Commercial Structures (Comparison between East Asia and Japan) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
4.The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Retail Behavior and Retail Structures in East Asia (the challenge of confrontation between internationalization and regionalization as an issue) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) FY2011-2013.
5.FY2011-2013 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (Research Representative), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (Research Representative).
6.Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellowship Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research on the Process and Withdrawal Impact of Japanese Retailers in Asia (Research Representative).

Class seminar

My seminar

Research Seminar on Distribution and Marketing

In this seminar, students will focus on topics of interest in the fields of distribution and marketing, deepen their knowledge through reports and submission of reports, etc., and prepare for the preparation of graduation thesis for the fourth year.

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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