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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details

ISOGAI Akinori

ISOGAI Akinori

Faculty of Economics Department of Economics Graduate School Graduate School of Economics
Special Mission Professor

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

System Economics, Evolutionary Economics

Subjects in charge

Macroeconomics I and II, Applied Macroeconomics, Japanese Economic Theory, Development Exercise, Educational Economics I and II (Graduate School)

Educational background

Graduated from Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Graduate School of Economics

Acquisition degree

Dr. Kyoto University (Economics)

Affiliated Society

Evolution Society of Economics, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Economic Society of Economics, Institute of Economics, Corporate and Social Forum

Research Keywords

Institutions, evolution, micro-macro-loop, corporate organization, hybridization, employment system, Japanese employment practices, diversity in capitalism

Current research theme

・Systematization of political economics of institutional and evolution
・Comparative system analysis of labor market and employment systems
・Institutional analysis on hybridization of corporate organization theory and hybridization of corporate systems
・Asian-EU comparative analysis on capitalism diversity theory

Major Research Results and Activities

・"On the Problem of Institutions in Evolutionary Economics," in Yagi, K. et al.(eds.) Present and Future of Evolutionary Economics, Springer, Forthcoming.
・Isogai, A et Uemura, H. "Rapport hiérarchique marché-firme et ses transformations pour l'économie japonaise," in Boyer, R. et al. (eds.), Théorie de la régulation: nouvel etat des savoirs, September 2023.
・"Political Economics of Institutions and Evolution: Multilayered and Diversity of Coordination" (co-edited) Nihon Keikakusha, 2022.
・Wang Ka ISOGAI Akinori, "Study on Housing Price Bubble in Shanghai, China," Economics Research (Kyushu University), Vol.88 No.2.3, 2021.
・"Workers who lived in Minamata: Chisso and the New Ninit Labor Union, 59 Years" (co-authored), Akashi Shoten, 2021.
・S. Bowls "Moral Economy: Incentives or Good Citizens" (co-translated) NTT Publishing, 2017.
・Capitalisms asiatiques: Diversitéet transformations, (co-edited) Press Universitaires de Rennes, 2015.
・"Asia Capitalism at the Transition Period" (co-edited) Fujiwara Shoten, 2014.
・S. Bowls "Microeconomics of Institutions and Evolution" (co-translated) NTT Publishing, 2013. 
・Diversity and Transformations of Asian Capitalisms, (co-edited) Routledge, 2012.
・"Institutional Analysis of the New Edition of the Social and Economic System: Beyond Marx and Keynes" (co-authored) Nagoya University Press, 2007.
・"The Frontiers of Institutional Economics: Theoretical, Applications and Policy," Minerva Shobo, 2004.

Consignment of Scientific Research Expenses

・FY2018-23 Basic Studies (C) “Diversity of Economic System and Interdependence of Growth System in Regional Economic Integration: EU-Asia Comparative Analysis” (Share)
・2013-16 Basic Studies (C) “Evolutionary Diversity of East Asian Industrial System and Corporate Systems after the International Production Shock” (sharing)
・2010-12 Fundamental Study (C) “Evolutionary Diversity and Dynamics of Industrial System under East Asian Economic Integration” (sharing)
・2002-2003 Basic Research (C) “Theoretical perspective of institutional economics: From the Perspective of Information, Knowledge, and organizational capabilities in corporate theory” (Representative)

Others (lectures, appearances, committee members, etc.)

・Chairman, Evolution Society of Economics
・Member of the Science Council of Japan (25th to 26th term)

Class seminar

My seminar

・In macroeconomics, we systematically learn how macro variables (GDP, unemployment, inflation rate, and balance of payments), which are aggregates the economic activities of individual consumers and businesses on a one-country basis.
・In the Japanese economy, we aim to acquire the ability to understand various problems facing the Japanese economy today from the perspectives of macro (one country as a whole), meso (industry), and micro (company). At the same time, students will also learn about the dynamics of the Japanese economy, which is at what point of time in the postwar Japanese economy.

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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