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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details



Faculty of Economics Department of Public Management

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Whaling industry history and culture history, fisheries economics, industry-academia collaboration projects related to utilization of unused whales, etc.

Subjects in charge

Fisheries Economics I and II, Public Management Special Lecture II, Industry and Mirai in Shimonoseki, Basic Seminars, Specialized Exercises I and II

Educational background

Completed Ph.D. Program, Kitakyusyu City University

Acquisition degree

Ph.D. (Academic)

Affiliated Society

Society of Socioeconomic History, Japan Society of Archives, Regional Fisheries Society, Yamaguchi Prefectural Local History Society, Fisheries History Study Group, Japan Planning Administration

Research Keywords

Whale, whaling, fisheries economy, local resources, regional development, effective use of whale unused areas, Shimonoseki, local administration

Current research theme

Conduct research and research on the whaling industry, whale culture, fisheries history, etc. from `` Whale Town Shimonoseki '' through primary materials and interviews with related parties, etc., and how to connect `` whales '' to regional development in Shimonoseki Is the research theme. Currently, industry and industry is working on a demonstration project that effectively utilizes unused areas (residues) of whales and lead to new commercialization. In addition, we are engaged in project activities to spread whale food to the younger generation and to spread the history and culture of whaling. In the future, we plan to conduct research on the history of the fisheries industry in Shimonoseki after the war, utilizing the historical materials held by the university.

Major Research Results and Activities

・"Kanmon Whale Industry Culture History", Kaitorisha, 2006
・"Cultural History of Fukuoka and Hakata Whale Industry as Seen from Shimonoseki", Kaitorisha, 2011
・"The World Prewar and South Ice Sea Whaling From the Material of Maruha Founder and Chubu Family" (adopted by the Japan Archives Society of Japan in 2020), Hanaransha, 2020
・"Yamaguchi's Whaling Demolition Shinsho" Hanaransha, 2022 and others

Papers, etc.
・On the pre-war South Ice Sea Whaling as seen in the 2004 Fishing Ground Journal of Risaburo Nakabe-(Part 1) "Social System Study" No.10, 2012
・“Tracing the history of Whale Oil Manufacturing and Utilization of Whale Oil in Japan, mainly before and after World War II” Regional Co-creation Center Annual Report Vol.10, 2017
・Co-author, "Towards the Resumption of Commercial Whaling: Japan's Strategy and Roles of Local Governments to the International Whaling Commission (IWC)-", Regional Co-creation Center Annual Report Vol.11, 2018
・"Tracing the Traces of Modern Whaling in Iki, an island of whales," Social Systems Research No. 19, 2021.
・“Verifying the actual conditions of trolley fishery, whaling, etc. in Japan after the war: through photographic materials, etc.” Annual Report of Regional Co-creation Center Vol.14, 2021
・Co-author, Fatty Acid Composition of Bryde’s Whale Oil, Fatty Acid Composition of Bryde’s Whale Oil, Fatty Acid Composition of Bryde’s Whale Oil (Fatty Acid Composition of Bryde’s Whale Oil).
・“Regional characteristics of workers as seen in the South Ice and Sea Whaling Industry Record” Social Systems Research No. 20, 2022
・“Initiatives of the Shimonoseki Region Whale Oil Advanced Utilization of Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration Promotion Council Project” Regional Fisheries Research 62, 2022
・“South Ice Sea Whaling Business Record” Social System Research No. 21, 2023
・“Current status and issues of commercial whaling in terms of distribution, consumption, and prices of whale meat” Regional Fisheries Research 63, 2023
・"On the actual situation of the First Post-War Whaling in the South Ice Sea Whaling Industry Record" Social Systems Research No. 22, 2024, etc.

Class seminar

My seminar

Regardless of marine products such as whales, we aim to compile regional promotion measures utilizing local resources into groups such as policy proposals, business proposals, product development, etc., and aim to finally compile them as proposals over a year. We value fieldwork surveys at the site.

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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