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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details

SUGA Masashi

SUGA Masashi

Faculty of Economics Department of Public Management Graduate School Graduate School of Economics
Vice President (Education) and Dean of Economics

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Urban/Regional Planning and Urban Environmental Policy

Subjects in charge

Environmental management, urban environment theory, urban planning theory, specialized training

Educational background

2000 Graduated from the Department of Urban Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo 2002
Department of Urban Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Acquisition degree

Ph.D. (In Engineering) The University of Tokyo

Affiliated Society

Japan Society of Urban Planning and Administration

Research Keywords

National land planning, urban/regional planning, urban environmental policy, population decline, regional disparities

Current research theme

National land and regional policies to respond to population decline

Major Research Results and Activities

・SUGA Masashi. "Planning of land" Keyword Encyclopedia for People Learning the City: Theme foreseeing the future 24. Edited by Shin Aiba. Gakugei Publishing Company, 2023. p.174-185
・SUGA Masashi. "From a neo-liberalistic regional policy to inclusive regional policy-regional development in an era of coexistence with regional disparities." Neo-liberalism City and Social Difference: Aiming to transform into an inclusive city Edited by Tetsuo Josho and Fumihiko Seta. Toshin-do, 2021. p.106-125
・SUGA Masashi. Issues of local promotion policies aimed at self-sustaining development Planning administration. 2017, 40(2), p.15-20, DOI: 10.14985/jappm.40.2_15
・SUGA Masashi. Discussions on the change of government in local governments and continuity of urban policies: Through the urban environmental policy of Kitakyushu City during the era of Mayor Sueyoshi and Kitahashi. Urban planning. 2012, 61(6), pp.64-71
・Muneharu Kokura, Masashi Suga et al. Safety and Enjoyability Evaluation of Roads and Streets for Bicycles: Case Studies of Bicycle Maps from Utsunomiya and Chigasaki, Japan. Journal of Maps. 2010, 6(1) p199-210, DOI: 10.4113/jom.2010.1076
・SUGA Masashi Takashi Onishi. One discussion on the issues of efficiency evaluation of regional energy systems that utilize power generation waste heat: Through model analysis of regional heat supply using high power generation efficiency gas engine cogeneration. City Planning Paper Collection. 2008, 42(3), p.835-840, DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.42.3.835
・Kim, SUGA Masashi, Takashi Onishi. Study on Population Declining Population and Transformation of Urban Structure: For all metropolitan areas of Japan from 1970 to 2000. City Planning Paper Collection. 2007, 38, p.181-186, DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.42.3.835
・SUGA Masashi, Takashi Onishi. Studies on the extraction of Japanese industry cluster using statistical methods and changes in its location structure. City Planning Paper Collection. 2003, 38, p.181-186, DOI: 10.11361/cpij1.
・SUGA Masashi, Takashi Onishi, Tetsuo Josho, Fumihiko Seta. Discussions on the concept of public interest in urban special zones. City Planning Paper Collection. 2002, 37, p.781-786, DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.37.781

Consignment of Scientific Research Expenses

・Verification of Japan's national land planning system through wide-area regional planning
 Research Category: Basic (C) Research Period: 2023-2025
・Research on the status and issues of environmental social capital development in urban development
 Research Category: Young (B) Study period: 2006-2007

Others (lectures, appearances, committee members, etc.)

・Japan Society of Planning and Administration, Standing Secretary
・Shimonoseki City, City Planning Council Member
・Shimonoseki City, Environmental Council Member
・Shimonoseki City, Development Review Committee Member
・Shimonoseki City, Council for Global Warming Countermeasures

Class seminar

My seminar

Expertise Exercise I (Suga) and Specialized Exercise II (Suga)

Please refer to the syllabus for details.

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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