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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details



Faculty of Data Science Department of Data Science
Associate Professor

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Management information, management systems, social system engineering, software computing, MOT, technology development strategy

Subjects in charge

Management information system theory, business data analysis, marketing research

Educational background

Acquisition degree

Dr. (Engineering) Ritsumeikan University

Affiliated Society

Japan Society of Intelligence Information Systems, Japan Society of Information Management, Japan Society of Management Systems, Japan Society of Sensitivity Engineering, Japan Society for Regional Resources Development and Management, etc.

Research Keywords

Current research theme

We are conducting research with the aim of expressing quantitatively, rather than clarifying the qualitative approach that has been done in the past.

Major Research Results and Activities

Iori Nakaoka, Yousin Park, Hirochika Akaoka, Yunju Chen, Visualization of Corporate R&D Capabilities: Patent Data Analysis of Major EV-Related Firms, The 15th Asian Academy of Management International Conference 2023 (Best Paper Award)
Chen Nyo, Naoe Imura, NAKAOKA Iori, Dynamics of Employment and Human Resources Management of Chinese Enterprises: Text analysis of state-owned enterprises with private enterprises, Ryukoku University, 61(4) 25-44(2022)
Naoe Imura, NAKAOKA Iori, Chen Ring Nyo, about the regional characteristics of the management system of American companies through text analysis, 59,75-82 (2022).

Consignment of Scientific Research Expenses

Systematization of the cMOT framework as a second-generation technology management (Basic C), etc.


Class seminar

My seminar

Business Analytics Laboratory

Issues are extracted through data analysis on corporate manufacturing and management systems.

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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