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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details



Faculty of Data Science Department of Data Science
Special Mission Professor

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

AI-based data analysis, such as categorycal data analysis, large-scale data analysis, multivariate analysis, video data analysis, and human tracking.
As part of this, we have proven track record of management and finance data analysis.

Subjects in charge

Category Data Analysis, Left Exercise, Statistical Modeling

Educational background

1970: Department of Electrical Engineering, Osaka City University (currently Osaka Public University)
1972: Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University (Department of Electrical Engineering) (currently Osaka Public University)
1983: Osaka Prefectural University Graduate School of Engineering (Department of Engineering) (Department of Engineering) (currently Osaka Public University)

Acquisition degree

1983 Ph.D. of Engineering (Osaka Prefecture University): Fuzzy Multivariant Analysis and its Applications

Affiliated Society

U.S. Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Life Senior Member
Fellow, Honorary Member of the Japanese Society of Intelligence Information
Fellow of the Society of Biomedical Fazie

Research Keywords

●Model construction of multivariate analysis
●Development of FinTech technology through Distributed Analysis
●Building and Optimization of deep learning neural networks
●Image understanding
●DNA computing (until 2016)
●Management Engineering
●Financial engineering

Current research theme

Image data understanding, optimizing deep learning, analysis of large-scale data, and development of fintech technology

Major Research Results and Activities

1972 --1979: He is involved in practical work related to computer fundamentals and applications at the Communications Equipment Division and Disciples Division of Fujitsu Limited.
1984 --1985: Engaged in artificial intelligence research as a postdoctoral fellow at Purdue University's Faculty of EE
1982 --1990: Graduated from Ryukoku University, lecturer and associate professor, research on management decision-making systems
1990-2003: Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology
2003 - 2016: Graduate School of Information Production and Systems, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Professor, lectures and research in English.
2016 - 2020: He is a professor at the Faculty of Computer Information Studies, Petronas Institute of Technology, Malaysia, and holds five doctoral degrees.
2024 - Current: Shimonoseki City University, Faculty of Data Science

Consignment of Scientific Research Expenses

(1)Research member, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Realization of Comfortable Spaces through Sensitive Engineering"
(2)Scientific Research Fund
(3)Kitakyushu City Grants from 2003 to 2016
(4)Joint research with companies with Fujitsu Limited, Sumitomo Metals, Dentsu Corporation, Nissan Finance Corporation, Konoike Gumi Co., Ltd., Fuji Investment Advisors Co., Ltd., Central Res. Inst. of Electric Power Industry, Murata, etc.
(5)Doctoral degree jury members from Australia, New Zealand, the Czech Republic, Brazil, India, etc., and members of overseas research projects.
(6)Public funds in Malaysia (2019-2020)

Others (lectures, appearances, committee members, etc.)

See below

Class seminar

My seminar

Building data science methods and analysis of actual data

For example, if you can challenge yourself!
(1)Using and developing data analysis methods using R and Pytoson to analyze large-scale real data.
(2)Challenge new methods for deep learning neural networks.
(3)Optimization of deep learning neural networks
(4)Analysis of Economic and Investment Data
(5)Understanding of image data
Please consult with us about what you want to do.


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